"Deal ?" *

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summary: y/n and hailee found an interesting arrangement for both of them.

warnings: praise kink, degradation kink, daddy/mommy kink, choke kink, edging (yes, a very lot).

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y/n's pov

   Let me tell you my story. I'm Y/N  L/N and I'm 20 years old. I was born in Paris, in France. My dad is french but my mom is american. We stayed in France until I learned how to speak and then we moved to the United States, in the Florida state. I grew up watching sports game on TV and since that I always wanted to become a sports journalist. The fact that I speak two languages helped me a lot to candidate on the university I wanted to be in. Everything was perfect until my parents wanted me to be a lawyer, like both of them. I refused and they cut me off. Fortunately, I had enough money to leave from Florida and cross the whole country to go to California, where the college I wanted to go was. But once there, I didn't have a penny so I found a little job during the summer which allowed me to pay rent. One day, I served the Hailee Steinfeld at the restaurant and that's where my daily life changed.

   When I met Hailee, I accidentally spilled red wine on her dress but she didn't make a scandal or whatever it is. She was kind with me and take my defense when my boss was about to fire me. She stayed late that night when her friends left first and we talked a lot. Maybe too much because we were drunk and I told her why I was a very young waitress. I don't remember how it happened but we had sex the same night I spilled wine on her. I can't deny it, Hailee was so soft in what she was doing to me that night and it still surprises me with how drunk both of us were but she also was wild. Really wild. The next morning, we kinda made a deal. Hailee will pay my studies and I'll be her stress relief. By stress relief I mean Hailee taking her frustrations and stress out on my body. Sexually speaking... Yes, I live with Hailee for logical reason but we aren't together. She isn't my girlfriend and I'm not her girlfriend. Let's say that we are 'friends with benefits' even if I like her more than I should've...

   It was tuesday evening when I got back from school, it was 7pm and I was greeting by Hailee's dogs, Martini and Brando.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them with a baby voice, happy to see them all excited. They were moving their tail and it was so cute. I petted them for a while before making my way to my room. Hailee and I didn't share the same bedroom. It's like the movie, you know, '50 Shades Of Grey' but it's completely different on the other side. I put my bag on the floor next to my office and started to take out my books and the stuff I needed from that bag, putting them on the wooden structure. I then put my airpods in my ears and started playing some music on my phone. Music always helped me to be focus on something. And, in this case, I had to focus on my homework. I didn't bother myself to find Hailee in this big ass mansion but she probably didn't need me anyway.

   It's been at least 30 minutes that I was doing my homework and Hailee didn't show up. That's what I noticed until I felt arms around my chest, from behind. I jumped off my chair like crazy and I almost hit her with my books. Reflex...

"Jesus Hailee! Warn me when you disembark like that! I almost had an heart attack..."

"I knocked on the door. Three times. I called you. Three times. I waited three seconds before I opened the door. You just didn't hear me because you had your headphones in." She chuckled.

"Mhm.. Fair enough... Anyway, what do you want? I'm busy."

"Just wanted to check on you... How are you?"

"I'm fine. Well, I could be better than fine if I didn't have to do this stupid essay about the firsts Olympics in Greece." I sighed while letting my head fall on the palm of my hand. "And I'm hungry so I'm gonna make some food... Anyway, how is the popstar?" Hailee furrowed an eyebrow but she was giggling at the same time.

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