"I know you faked it." *

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summary: y/n never had her first time but when she was about to lose it with the girl she is dating since about two months now, she is quite uncomfortable.

bit of smut & fluff

words count: 1,947

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y/n's pov

"Oh sh—" I couldn't end my cussing since my girlfriend had made me close my mouth by pressing me against the wall of our living room.

"I missed you." The brunette let out in a whisper, stroking my cheek with her right hand while her left one was holding me in place, on my hip.

"It's only been a few hours, babe..." I giggled as she pecked my lips multiple times. "But I have to admit I missed you too. You and your kisses." I smiled with bright eyes as a smile grew on her face.

"Yeah? You missed me and my kisses?" I nodded. "I can kiss you all night if you want to." Hailee put away a wick of my hair that was wandering, behind my ear. Sometimes I could see her eyes switching from mine to my lips, like she wanted to kiss me but restrained herself.

"You know, you can kiss me. I don't bite." I chuckled while Hailee was staring at me with an eyebrow furrowed. "What?" I giggled again when she laughed. "Ok fine.. I bite but I bite only necks!"

"Necks?" She questioned me with a fake scoff. "Why necks? Do you bite multiple necks, my love?" I felt intimidated because Hailee's hand that was previously stroking my cheek was now on the right side of my neck as her thumb slid under my chin.

"N— No... I only bite one neck.." I looked at her, her eyes devouring my body like she wanted me to be her dinner.

"And... Tell me, who owns that neck that you bite?" Her left hand which previously was holding my hip was now traveling a short distance to grab my ass.

"It's yours. That neck is yours, Hailee." I answered in a whisper but a moan quickly covered it when I felt Hailee's hand on my ass.

"Yeah.. That's right." She kissed my cheek, and took a hold of my hand to drag me upstairs. She carefully guided me to our bedroom before lying me down on my back, on the comfortable mattress. She then lied on top of me, gently stroking my cheeks as she approached her lips to mine before the gap there was suddenly closed. We made out for a few minutes, kissing her lips, her neck; she did the same. "I wanna make you feel good.." Hailee whispered sensually near my ear, causing my body to have goosebumps. "Do you want me to make you feel good, my love?" She asked, grabbing my chin with her fingers when her eyes met mine. Hers had lust while mine were soft.

"Yeah.. Please.." I answered in a whisper too. "Please Hailee.. I wanna know how you feel inside me.." I put my hands on her back, grabbing her shirt to pulling it over her head. She helped me removing her shirt and did the same with mine, causing us to be with our bras. The brunette slowly and carefully removed my jean, throwing it on the ground next to the bed. She took off hers in a quick motion and lied back on top of me. She looked at my chest, my breasts, and bit her bottom lip.

"Can I?" She asked in a needy tone and I answered with a simple nod. "Words... I won't do anything if I don't hear you, baby." She said softly with a smile.

"Yes you can.." As soon as I closed my mouth, Hailee moved her hands on my back and unhook my bra, letting it fall on the bed, next to me. I was about to unfasten hers but she carefully smacked my hands away. She smirked as she reached for the staples of her bra on her back, painfully removing it slowly. "Stop the teasing Haiz please.." I complained but she took more time until she finally let her bra falling on the floor.

Hailee grabbed both of my hands and put them on each one of her boobs, she moaned when she felt them, probably because they were cold compared to her body. I was quick to join her in the moaning when she grabbed my breasts and started squeezing them with her palms. Not really knowing what to do, I imitated her and squeezed hers as she kept moaning. "Oh shit.. I fucking love your hands, Y/N/N." Her face came closer to my chest, her tongue dangerously close to one of my nipple. She looked at me with those hazel eyes, never breaking eye contact as my girl took my right tit in her mouth and sucked it gently. The feeling of her saliva and her tongue all over my nipple caused me to moan; all that stuff being new to me since Hailee and I never did more than just make out. I still had my hands on her boobs, palpating them carefully to not hurt her. Hailee suddenly switched boobs, sucking and licking now my left one. Her hands traveled down my body, from my shoulders to my hips to finally reach my thighs. "You sure, baby?" She asked again, making sure to not turn this into a rape situation.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now