I Have Never Seen Volcanoes | Emily Dickinson *

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Summary: We all know that Emily and Sue have a special relationship, everyone thinking that they're only best friends, but no. When a new family moves in Amherst, a girl a little bit younger than Emily and Sue catches the poet's eyes... and Sue isn't insensitive to her charm either.

warnings: threesome. mention of homophobia. a little bit of a dark!emily.

words count: 4,069

a/n: This story takes place during season 1 so Emily and Sue are around 18/19 I think ?
Also, I was too lazy and too tired to write a proper smut so deal with what I wrote.
/!\ Not proofread/!\

• 3rd POV •

      [Y/N] wasn't the type of girl to enjoy leaving her hometown. She was born in Salt Lake City, in Utah (a/n: don't ask me why) before moving to New Orleans, in Louisiana at the age of 14. And four years later, her family moved to Massachusetts, in the small town of Amherst. Before Amherst, [Y/N] always lived in cities, in the main cities of each state. Every single time it was the same thing: her father, John, who was an impressive engineer, had better opportunities away from their "home". Angelina, [Y/N]'s mother, was also working. It wasn't easy at all for her to find a job but she went to school, got graduated. She found a job as a bookseller. She really loved books and how they were written. She transmitted that passion to her younger daughter, [Y/N]. The [Y/L/N] were a family of 6. [Y/N] had two older brothers called Marcus and William and one older sister, Jane. William was 22 years old meanwhile Marcus and Jane were twins and were 20 years old. And the younger one, [Y/N], turned 18 recently.

The six of them weren't a poor family. They were quite rich. And their richness caused multiple girls and boys to be attracted by the 4 "kids". William and Jane already found love with their respective partners but the two others, [Y/N] and Marcus, were single and still had to meet strangers. They didn't want that. They didn't want to get married that young with someone they didn't know, with someone they didn't care for. Angelina and John never forced one of their children to marry someone. But even though they never forced them, they still wanted them to find someone. They wanted grandchildren.

      [Y/N] wasn't the one who wanted kids. Not that she hated them but she found them annoying. Screaming, crying... She couldn't bear them, she didn't have the patience to. If [Y/N] could end her life as a single woman, she would sign it right now. She didn't want a man by her side, she didn't want to get married. She wanted to enjoy her life as much as possible, she wanted to explore the world; it was always a dream of hers.

      [Y/N] rarely stays at home. She either goes to school because she is a student, a female student studying literature, yes, or she goes for a walk with her siblings, the four of them having horses. The younger girl never understood that some people were against women studying. For her, everyone should have a chance to do what they want and if a girl wants to study, she can. She didn't know what was wrong with these people but they were clearly bad and toxic characters.

      When the [Y/H/C] girl first went to school in Amherst, she expected some girls by her side. She was totally wrong. No girls. No women. Only men and growing boys. You should have seen her face when she saw that in Massachusetts, especially here in Amherst, everything was different from where she lived before. Whether it was in Louisiana or in Utah. She learned from a boy her age (or so she thought) called George that there was a man who was against women in school, who was against women receiving the same education as a man. [Y/N] was pissed off when she heard his words. She wanted to curse the man for his thoughts. If she ever meets him, she won't be afraid to say what she thinks about him.

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