"And the woman of the game is..."

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summary: y/n breaks her ankle during a football game (soccer for you american readers) and Hailee is a time bomb.


A/N: enjoy another mother/daughter one shot! short one again.

words count: 1,628

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y/n's pov

   I was coming back from high school with my best friend who didn't live that far from me. I met her during elementary school, when we were 7. Since then, we never lost contact and we went in the same schools every time. It has been two months now that we started high school, in sophomore year or more known as '10th grade'. The first day of high school, we had to choose an activity that will help us to increase our grades in basic stuff like maths, history, geography etc. Since I'm an 'athlete', I, of course, chose football. I played football since a while now and I had the chance to meet some AMAZING players from the national team, USWNT. When we had the chance to assist to their games, mom brought me there and we always had fun. Speaking of my mom... Ladies and gentlemen, Hailee Steinfeld herself. How the fuck was I so lucky? Having Hailee goddamn Steinfeld as a mother. It's crazy, right? She is like the sweetest angel on this earth.

"Mooooooooom!" I yelled in the whole house, hoping that she will hear me. And she did.

"Upstairs!" She yelled back and I ran upstairs to go greet her. "Heyy baby!"

"Moooom! I am not your baby anymore.." I complained while she took me in her arms, hugging me tightly. A bit too tight.

"You'll forever be my baby." She smiled to me while patting my back.

"I have a game tonight! You're coming, right?"

"Of course I'm coming. I wouldn't miss your first game with your team!"

"And you know what?"

"What is it honey?"

"I'm the captain of the team!!" I bounced on my feet while mom was slowly interpreting what I just said.

"Earth to Hailee Steinfeld?" I joked.

"That's so cool!!" She finally said and hugged me tighter if it was even possible.

"I know! I'm gonna lead the team to the victory!" I said with a lot of confidence.

"You're gonna be the best player." Mom kissed my forehead and looked at me with big eyes.

   It was time to go on the field, to train and warm up before the game starts and there were already a lot of people in the stands. I searched for my mom and quickly found her. She was on her phone, probably dealing with work..

   I started some calm running, sometimes bursts of speed. I then stretched my muscles and it was already time to go to the cloakrooms. When the game started, I looked again at my mom and there she was. waving at me as if I was giving a show. I offered her a quick smile though and got into my position, in attack.

   The game was pretty boring. Neither us nor the other team scored during the first half. There weren't many faults. Our game tactics were well in place but one thing was missing. The thing that will make us open the score. Right now, the team was circled around each others and I thought about something to say.

"Hey.. Guys.. I know it's our first game and everything is new here but I'm pretty sure we can beat them. They aren't that good and they smell bad. We can beat them if we put more intensity into our game and especially more precisions." I spoke up and they all nodes.

    We were back on the field and nothing much happened. Nothing much happened until I got the ball in front of me and started running towards it to make it go faster. I intercepted a pass from the opposing team player and ran to the goal cage as fast as I could to try to score. I dodged two opponents with an inside hook then an outside hook and the crowd was cheering me because I only had to run a few more meters before being face to face with the goalkeeper. I navigated the ball between my right foot and my left foot to make the goalkeeper lose his head so I can shoot. I shot one time but the woman pushed back the ball in front of my feet and I shot another time. This time, the ball hit the back of the net. I scored. For the first time, in a new time, I scored. As a celebration, I ran to my teammates and made an "S" as a sign, with my index finger and after that, I put my palm over my heart and jumped on a teammate's back.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now