"I know you're loving this." *

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summary: y/n comes back home from her work trip in europe and hailee wants to make up for lost time.

words count: 1,432

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y/n's pov

I had been away from California since long few weeks. I had to stay for awhile in Italy, in Rome, because my boss wanted me to get a partnership with the Maserati brand, the luxury cars. I work in some partnerships company, I'm in charge of the communication there. I make the connection between any brand and some celebs. For example, I met Hailee thanks to my job because she wanted to book some places in Paris to shoot the 'Capital Letters' music video. This music video has great behind the scenes.. We ended in a french strip bar, around boys and girls. The funniest part of this is that we pretended to be girlfriends to not be bothered by any french man mostly, knowing that they are so annoying when they flirt. So instead of them flirting with us, we flirted with each other. It turned out pretty good because since 2019, we're dating. We spent a year being close friends and one day, she kissed me. Not that it was the first time because we already kissed when we were in Paris, but it was for fun.

An uber picked me at the airport and drove me to Hailee and mine's house. I carried my suitcases inside the mansion and was immediately welcomed by Hailee who jumped on my back not delicately at all which caused us to fall on the ground, Hailee laughing.

"Babyyyyy issssss BACK!" She hugged me tight, my face completely crushed against her body.

"I missed you too?" I giggled. "Babeeee... As much I love to finally see you after these 3 weeks in Europe, I have to unpack my stuff soo.. I'll come back to you after, k?" I smiled and pecked her lips but Hailee pouted. "Do not make these puppy eyes to me!" I chuckled. "I'm all yours after okey? I promise. It won't take too much time."

"You've been away for weeks and the first thing you want to do is unpack your suitcases?!" She stood up and crossed her arms.

"Haiz... Baby... I— I'm here now. We'll have time. just let me unpack my things. The more you're containing me, the less you'll have me." I laughed softly.

"Fine." She scoffed and left the living room to go to the bathroom, probably to take a shower while I grabbed my suitcases and went upstairs to unpack everything.

Time passed and Hailee was back. She was standing behind me while I was still unpacking, my mom delayed me by calling me to know if I made it safe. The call lasted for ten good minutes, the approximative duration of Hailee's shower.

"You're still unpacking?" A pissed Hailee said.

"My mom called me."


"So I had to take the call. She just wanted to know if I was okay. You know... Since I crossed the Atlantic Ocean.."

"Yeah... Right... Do you still need to unpack?"

"If I want to relax then yes. I still need to do it."

"For god's sake Y/N! When are you going to pay attention to me?! Did you meet someone else in Italy?!"

"No! I would never cheat on you what the fuck Hailee?!"

"We're currently talking and you don't even bother to look at me while speaking. Your suitcases are more important than me as I see."

"Hailee. For the last time tonight, I told you that I'll be all yours after I finished what I'm doing, okay?!"

"I already waited for you during three fucking weeks! I just want to spend some time with my girlfriend." Hailee sighed and when I thought she'll go in another room, she just came closer to me, wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my neck sensually. Fuck. She knows what she's doing. She knows what she's doing because she knows that my biggest weakness is neck kisses.

"Hailee. Don't. You. Dare. Otherwise I—"I marked a pause at every single word.

"Otherwise what?" She chuckled against my skin. "We both know you'll give in anyway. You can't resist neck kisses. You can't resist me. You can't resist me kissing your neck. And the best part about it is that you know it. You know I'll have you beg me to continue." She whispered near to my ear, sending shivers all over my body.

"Hailee. Stop. Please."

"Your brain may doesn't want me to tease you but the rest of your body definitely wants it." I let escape a moan. "See. Deep inside, you want it. You want it deep inside too."


"It's not very nice of you to curse."

"Stop playing with me."

"I don't know. It's quite fun." She took my earlobe between her lips and sucked on it.

"No it's— It's not..." I moaned again.

"Awe.. Unable to speak correctly. Maybe your core will speak for you." Hailee slips her hand inside my pants and quickly inside my panties. When I felt her cold finger in contact with my clit, I gasped. I whimpered. "So... What do you think about this... Sit on this chair right there, spread those beautiful legs apart and let me lick and eat you out. Is it okay for you Princess?"

"Yes... It's totally okay... Please..."

"Oh.. The girl is desperate, huh? Well, lucky for you, I'm ready to make you cum after three whole weeks. Unless... Unless you took care of yourself by yourself which means... masturbating you. Oh boy.. Did you masturbate while thinking about me?"

"Yes. Yes Hailee. I did it. Not once, not twice but... thrice. I was craving you as much as right now."

"Well I guess we shouldn't loose that time. Go sit down on the chair. I'll take care of you."

I did what she told me to. I went to sit on the chair and spread my legs wide open.

"That's it baby. Open them wide. Let me have a good look at your beautiful cunt."

"Anything for you..."

"Good girl." I blushed hard at her praise and she definitely noticed it because she got down on her knees in front of me and looked at me with lustful eyes.

"Yeah..." I whispered uncomfortably, feeling a pool forming between my legs just by looking at Hailee. While still looking at me, she put her hands on my pants and unbuttoned my jean, slowly slipping it away from my legs. She came closer to me if it's even possible and as I though she would tease me by licking at my inner thighs, she gripped my panties with her teeth and pulled it down, still slowly. Her eyes never leaving mine.

"Oh... I guess the riptide is already there baby..." Hailee put her hand on my pussy, massaging my clit vigorously.

"Fuck... It— Feels... It feels good babe.." I closed my eyes and moaned but they were quickly wide open when I felt Hailee's tongue travelling inside my folds. "Oh my goodness Hailee fuck..."

"Yeah you like that?"

"Yes please keep going."

   Hailee quickly shoved two of her long fingers inside my pussy and I moaned louder. "I'm clenching around your fingers Hailee please move..." And that's what she did. She actually moved in and out of my pussy. "Oh fuck yes keep going baby please!" I moaned and grabs her head between my palms to push her deeper against my core.

"You're soo tight baby! So tight for my fingers... You're taking them so well! I know you're loving this."

"Please my love go faster..." Her fingers automatically obeyed my command and they were now deep inside me and then outside me because of the speed she put. Her tongue flicked around my clit and my eyes rolled back, my head too. "Fuck Hailee baby, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum."

"Then cum for me sweetheart, cum for me." I felt a knock in my stomach and I quickly came all over her fingers inside me but when she pulled out her fingers... I squirted violently and held Hailee's head between my legs for awhile. "That's it baby! That's it. You did a good job." My heart was beating so fast and my hands and legs were shaking.

"Fuck I needed this.." I collapsed on the bed, in my back, Hailee sat next to me.

"I missed you my love." She kissed my lips passionately.

"I missed you too sweetheart."

"Was it me or my fingers that you missed a lot?" Hailee laughed.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now