"You will be the death of me." *

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summary: hailee and y/n go to the premiere of y/n's new movie but y/n never brought hailee on set, how the popstar will react?

words count: 3,359

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y/n's pov



"Why are you yelling Y/N? I'm not far from you." She laughed while making her way to me.

"I have to go. You know, filming and stuff..." I took her hands in mine.

"You sure you can't bring me with you?" There they were. Her cute puppy hazel eyes. She knew I couldn't resist them.

"Even if I really want to, I can't. I really want you on set with me, I do, but the director said 'no family'... I promise you I'll be back home before the sun goes down." I smiled a bit.

"Don't forget to text me when you'll be on set so that I won't be worried about you." She put her hands on my cheeks. "I'll text you. I promise." I replied before feeling her lips on mine. "See you later baby." We leaned our forehead against each other. "Work well my love. I trust you on this." She laughed for a few seconds and my smile grew bigger. "No worries about it, yeah." I giggled and started to make my way to my car, opening it before sitting in. Hailee still stood in front of me, waiting for my car to start up.

Firstly, let me tell you that this movie is awaited by all the fans of... 'Teen Wolf'! We started to shoot the movie at the beginning of June. It was pretty imposing because I used to be a 'Teen Wolf' fan when I was a bit younger so when I first met in person the major actors of the show, I was insane. They were all so sweet and made me feel like I was a member of their family since season 1 was released.

Secondly, my character is special? I mean, it's not surprising coming from Jeff Davis, the creator of 'Teen Wolf'. Her name is 'Hailey'. What a coincidence you'll tell me.. The fun fact behind all of this is that Hailee doesn't know anything about this movie. She doesn't know that it's the 'Teen Wolf' movie and that I play a character who almost has the same name as hers. Let me tell you that this character is probably the most badass. She is chimera. Not a chemical chimera like Theo is. She's Malia's older sister, same dad, different mother. So her full name is 'Hailey Hale.' A particularity that she owns: her eyes are purple. Red color from the werewolf true alpha form and blue color because of the werecoyote genes. So... red plus blue gives purple. It's as simple as that. She has no pack and is kind off the enemy of Scott's pack in the movie...

Today was our last day of filming and I had to shoot a scene... A little bit too hot to handle. Hailee obviously doesn't know about it. As I told you, she doesn't know anything about what I'm doing. It's not that I don't want to tell her, it's because I can't.

In this movie, my character is a very straight flirty woman which means she won't kiss any girl. It doesn't bother me since I'm bisexual but I can't expect the same from Haiz.

"Y/N! We are waiting for you for your scene! Hurry up please! We don't have all the day to shoot one scene." The director yelled outside of my lodge.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" That's what she said... I got up from my chair and left my lodge before joining all the crew and actors who were already on set.

"Hailee took all your time, huh?" A curious Shelley approached me with a smirk on her face. Shelley is playing 'Malia Hale', Hailey's little sister.

"Maybe... Maybe not. I'm not telling you." I said with a proud grin.

"Oh come on, we all know that when you're late it's because you're fucking her!" Playfully intervened Tyler, aKa 'Scott McCall' the 'true alpha'.

"I. Am. Not. Fucking. Her."

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