World Cup

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summary: it's World Cup time and Y/N will fly to Australia and New-Zealand to play with her team, France. Hailee obviously follows her.

a/n: there will be some french words so i'll write the translation between ().


words count: 4,866

• 3rd pov •

Y/N felt the excitement building up as the airplane's engines roared to life, preparing for takeoff. Sitting in their first-class seats, Y/N exchanged a nervous glance with Hailee, who sat beside her. They knew this trip was going to be a delicate balancing act – trying to be discreet amidst the frenzy of the upcoming Women's World Cup and their secret relationship.

Hailee reached for Y/N's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We've got this," she whispered softly, her eyes filled with affection. Y/N smiled, grateful for Hailee's support.

"I know. It's just...I can't believe this is all happening. Playing in the World Cup with my national team, and you being here to cheer me on."

"You're incredible, and I wouldn't miss it for the world," Hailee replied with a genuine smile. "Plus, I might have some tricks up my sleeve to dodge the paparazzi." Y/N chuckled, imagining Hailee attempting to blend in with disguises.

"I appreciate your efforts, but we need to be extra cautious. The press has already been wild with speculation lately."

"I know," Hailee sighed. "I wish we could just enjoy this moment without all the intrusion."

"Me too," Y/N agreed. "But let's focus on the positive. We're going to have an amazing time together, and I can't wait to show you Australia and experience the World Cup with you."

As the flight took off, Y/N and Hailee settled into their seats, planning their strategy to stay discreet during their time in Australia. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but their love for each other and their shared excitement for the World Cup was enough to keep them strong.

Throughout the flight, they exchanged sweet glances, and Hailee held Y/N close during any moments of turbulence. They chatted about their plans for the trip, the matches Y/N was eagerly anticipating, and their favorite memories together. It was a mix of excitement and nervousness, but they cherished these intimate moments, knowing they'd have to keep their relationship under wraps in public.

As Hailee and Y/N arrived in Australia, they sat down in their private accommodations, ready to discuss their strategies to dodge the paparazzi and enjoy the World Cup discreetly.

Hailee spoke first with excitement. "Okay, we've got this! First idea – disguises. We can wear hats, sunglasses, and casual clothing to blend in with the crowd. What do you think?" Y/N replied, smiling.

"Sounds good! It'll help us avoid unnecessary attention. We should also use code names when we talk about each other in public spaces, just in case someone overhears."

"Great idea! We'll keep it mysterious for anyone who might be eavesdropping. And speaking of public spaces, how about taking alternate routes to and from the stadiums? Avoid the most crowded areas."

"That could work! I know the host cities well, and we can find quieter paths to stay under the radar. Plus, we should sometimes travel separately, arriving at the venues a bit earlier or later than each other."

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