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Summary : Hailee and [Y/N] spend the day playing Minecraft.

words count : 1,474

— not proofread

• 3rd POV •

      The storm outside was relentless, heavy raindrops drumming against the windows of Hailee and [Y/N]'s cozy home. The city streets were deserted, and the sky was dark, but inside, the atmosphere was warm and filled with laughter.

      Hailee glanced at her girlfriend, [Y/N], who was curled up on the couch with a controller in hand. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she navigated through the familiar blocky map of Minecraft. Hailee couldn't help but smile at the sight. [Y/N] was so sweet, always looking for ways to bring peace and beauty into their world.

"Alright, babe, are you ready for an adventure?" Hailee asked, settling down beside her girlfriend with her own controller.

     [Y/N] giggled. "You know it ! But I think I'm going to start by building a new little house by the river. It's so pretty there, and I found some new flowers to plant around it."

      Hailee chuckled. "Of course you did. Meanwhile, I'm heading to the caves. I need to find more diamonds and maybe slay some zombies on the way."

      They logged into their shared Minecraft world. As both of them played, the difference between their styles became even more visible. [Y/N] carefully placed blocks to create a charming house, decorated with a flower garden and a fenced area for animals she planned to adopt. Her little character, who was none other than Gwen Stacy — a character Hailee gave her voice to, — moved slowly, planting flowers and feeding chickens.

      On the other side of the screen, Hailee's character was equipped with enchanted armor and a sword, ready to explore the deepest caves to find precious minerals and especially diamonds and gold. The brunette planned to give the gold she finds to [Y/N], because [Y/N] told her that she wanted to reproduce horses. And to be able to do that, she must have golden apples. On her way to the caves, Hailee fought off mobs with skill. Every so often, she'd glance at [Y/N]'s screen, her heart melting at the sight of her girlfriend's innocent joy, building houses and pens for their future animals.

"Hey, look at this cute sheep I found !" [Y/N] exclaimed, her voice filled with happiness and cuteness. "I'm going to name her Fluffy."

     Hailee grinned. "Fluffy is adorable. Just make sure she doesn't wander too close to the cave entrance. I saw a creeper walking around there earlier."

     [Y/N]'s eyes widened. "Oh no ! I'll build a little pen for her right away."

     As [Y/N] busied herself constructing a safe pen for Fluffy, Hailee went deeper into the caverns. The eerie sounds of skeletons and zombies echoed through the tunnels, but Hailee pressed on, her heart racing with excitement. She was determined to kill them. With each swing of her pickaxe, she unearthed precious ores, collecting diamonds, redstone, and most importantly, gold.

"Look at this haul," Hailee said proudly during a brief return to the surface, her inventory filled with minerals. She gave a stack of gold to [Y/N]'s. "These should help with your horse breeding project."

[Y/N] beamed. "Thank you, Hailee ! You're the best." She gave her girlfriend a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to her constructions.

The hours flew by as they played, the outside storm still making impossible for them to go out. But they didn't want to go out anyway.

"Hailee, come see what I've done !" [Y/N] called out excitedly. Hailee made her way to the riverbank, where [Y/N] had constructed a bridge adorned with lanterns and flowers. The sun was setting in their Minecraft world, which made the landscape and construction more beautiful.

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