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summary: hailee spoils y/n way too much.

words count: 1,407

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y/n's pov

     The sun's gentle rays peeked through the curtains, illuminating the room as I stretched and yawned, reveling in the warmth of a new day. As I rose from the bed, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that Hailee would be there to greet me with her infectious energy.

     I made my way to the kitchen, where Hailee was already busy preparing breakfast. She hummed a familiar tune, her voice filling the room with an enchanting melody. The sight of her, so effortlessly beautiful and radiant, made my heart skip a beat.

"Good morning, love," Hailee greeted me, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I hope you slept well."

     I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head against her shoulder. "I slept like a baby, thanks to you," I replied, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. "But we need to talk, Haiz." Hailee turned to face me, concern etched on her face.

"What's wrong, Y/N? Did something happen?" I took a deep breath, gathering the courage to express my feelings.

"It's about the way you spoil me, Hailee. I appreciate everything you do, but I don't want you to feel like you have to provide for me. I can take care of myself." Hailee's brows furrowed, and she gently cupped my face, her touch comforting.

"Y/N, my love, I understand your concerns, but please know that spoiling you brings me joy. It's not about feeling obligated; it's about wanting to shower you with love and care. Let me take care of you, in every sense of the word." Tears welled up in my eyes, overwhelmed by her unwavering devotion.

"But Haiz, I don't want you to feel burdened or for our relationship to be imbalanced. I want us to be equal partners, supporting each other in every aspect of life." Hailee's eyes softened, her gaze filled with an unwavering determination.

"Y/N, you are my equal in every way. Our love knows no boundaries, and my actions are merely a reflection of my love for you. Let me show you how much you mean to me."

     As the days went by, Hailee continued to spoil me with her gestures of love and affection. From surprise trips to luxurious presents, she made sure I felt like the most cherished person in the world. While part of me reveled in the extravagance, a small voice in the back of my mind still yearned for simplicity.

     One evening, as we sat under a starlit sky, Hailee and I shared our dreams and memories. I spoke of my childhood passion for horseback riding, the exhilarating feeling of freedom as I galloped through open fields.

     A mischievous smile played on Hailee's lips as she listened intently. Little did I know that her mind was already weaving a plan, fueled by her desire to bring me joy.

     A few weeks later, Hailee invited me to a secluded countryside estate, a place where tranquility embraced nature's beauty. As we strolled through the picturesque landscape, I noticed a familiar sight in the distance—an equestrian center, adorned with stables and an arena.

     Curiosity and excitement danced in my eyes as Hailee guided me towards the stables. My heart raced with anticipation, wondering what surprise awaited me. And there, standing majestically, was a magnificent horse, its glossy coat shimmering under the sunlight.

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