Birthday sex

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Summary: For [Y/N]'s birthday, she and Hailee play truth or dare with their friends. [Y/N] admits a little fantasy she has and.. it will lead to things

— Not proofread.

words count: 1,692

• 3rd POV •

The soft glow of the evening illuminated [Y/N]'s room in different and warm hues as she prepared herself for a night that would become unforgettable. She was excited, and also very happy, she will spend the evening with Hailee, her best friend but also some of their other friends.

Dressed in an outfit carefully chosen for the occasion, a tight black dress with an oversized blazer, [Y/N] looked at herself in the mirror, a proud smile on her lips. The scent of her favorite perfume was delicious as she traced the curve of her necklace, a gift from Hailee on a previous special occasion.

Her phone buzzed with a message from Hailee, her best friend since 7 years now.

— Can't wait for tonight. It's going to be unforgettable !!

The words sent a shiver of excitement down [Y/N]'s spine, knowing that Hailee had something extraordinary planned for her birthday celebration, without all of their group of little friends.

As [Y/N] made her way to Hailee's house, she couldn't imagine how much fun she will have with her and her friends, Margot, Ariana, Sofia and Selena.

The sound of [Y/N]'s knock resonated through Hailee's front door, and as it swung open, a burst of laughter spilled into the doorway. [Y/N] wasn't surprise to be met not only by Hailee but by familiar faces, her favorite friends.

Hailee welcomed [Y/N] into the loving house. Well, her house looked more like a mansion due to the number of bedrooms and bathrooms there were. As the girls made her way back to the living room, where they were coming from, [Y/N] was admired by the decoration they made especially for her. The room was decorated with birthday balloons, letters that formed [Y/N]'s name. There was also music playing in the background.

"Happy birthday, [Y/N]!" they all sang, and Hailee handed her a party hat with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Thank youuu!" [Y/N] thanked Hailee with a warm hug. The four other girls came behind [Y/N] and gave her the gifts they got for her. They weren't big and expensive gifts but they were made with each girl's heart.

      As [Y/N] sat in one of the many couches, the conversation shifted to the exciting world of upcoming projects. Hailee, ever the gracious host, was the one to bring up the topic.

"So, what's everyone working on lately?" she inquired with a lot of curiosity.

"I'm diving into a new film project that explores a completely different genre. It's a challenge I'm looking forward to. I can't wait!" Margot was the first one to talk, her eyes shining with joy.

      Ariana was the next one to explain her upcoming project. "I've been working on my upcoming album. It's a mix of R&B and pop, and I can't wait for everyone to hear it..." She smirked, knowing the first single of her album will blow up minds.

"I'm producing a new series. It's a passion project, and I'm thrilled about the impact it could have." Selena shared some news but without giving too much details. She wanted to keep it a secret as long as possible. Sofia said she was stepping into a role that was quite different from what she's done before.

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