Bath time

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Summary : After a day spent at the park with a sudden terrible weather on their way back home, Hailee helps her daughter to take a bath.

words count : 1,449

— not proofread

• 3rd POV •

      Hailee smiled as she watched her daughter, [Y/N], eagerly skip ahead of her towards the park. The sun was shining, high in the sky. It was the perfect day for a mother-daughter outing. Wednesday afternoon, right after school. Hailee picked up her daughter at school with a great disguise. She didn't want people to recognize her. More for [Y/N]'s sake than her own. She'd do anything to protect her baby girl from the public eye.

"Mommy, look! Ducks!" [Y/N] exclaimed, pointing excitedly towards the pond where a family of ducks was swimming gracefully, their fluffy ducklings trailing behind them.

      Hailee chuckled, her heart swelling with love as she watched the pure joy on her daughter's face. "Let's go say hi to them, sweetie," she said, taking [Y/N]'s hand as they made their way towards the water's edge.

      The ducks waddled over, quacking softly as [Y/N] giggled and reached out her hand to gently stroke their feathers. Hailee snapped a few pictures, capturing the precious moment forever. She will soon print them and frame them preciously.

      After spending some time with their feathered friends, Hailee and [Y/N] walked towards the playground. The [Y/H/C] hair little girl eagerly climbed the jungle gym, her laughter echoing in the air.

"Mommy, come slide with me!" [Y/N] called from the top of the slide, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Hailee grinned and made her way over, joining her daughter at the top. Together, they whooshed down the slide, laughing and having fun together without no one to bother them.

      As they explored the park, Hailee couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and peace wash over her. Watching her baby girl discover the world around her filled her with an overwhelming sense of pride.

      As Hailee and [Y/N] were focused in their play, the sky suddenly changed from a bright blue with a beautiful sun to a depressing gray with many menacing clouds. The wind made its appearance too, rustling the leaves. The brunette glanced up at the sky, her eyebrows furrowing as she noticed the clouds quickly approaching them. "Looks like we might have to cut our park day short," she murmured, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

      But before they could even begin to make their way towards the exit, a torrent of rain fell upon them. Hailee and [Y/N] gasped in surprise as the drops fell mercilessly, soaking them to the bone within seconds.

"We need to go back to the car!" Hailee shouted over the roar of the rain, her voice barely audible because of the cacophony of the water.

      Grabbing [Y/N]'s hand tightly, Hailee scanned their surroundings before running as fast as she could. Her daughter having short legs, she picked her up in her arms and ran again, reaching her car soon as the rain never stopped.

      After the sprint of her life, Hailee let out a sigh of relief. Hailee and [Y/N] climbed in the car, closing the door quickly so the rain couldn't enter it. Hailee wrapped her arms around [Y/N], pulling her close as they watched the storm rage on outside.

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