From High School bully to Lover | PART 1

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summary: basically an enemies to lovers 🤷🏻‍♀️

words count: 4,839

• 3rd pov •
Y/N & HAILEE - 17 years old.

Y/N sat alone at her usual spot in the school courtyard, engrossed in a thick novel, oblivious to the laughter and chatter of her fellow classmates. Hailee and her clique noticed Y/N and decided to make her their entertainment for the day.

Hailee smirked and nudged her friend, Taylor. "Watch this," she said, approaching Y/N with her posse trailing behind. "Hey, bookworm! What fascinating world are you lost in today?" Hailee taunted, snatching the book from Y/N's hands.

Y/N looked up, her eyes betraying a mixture of annoyance and sadness. "Give it back, Hailee. It's not yours."

"Oooh, feisty! I like it," Hailee mocked, waving the book above her head, teasingly out of Y/N's reach. "Why don't you try and take it from me, nerd?"

Just as Y/N reached for the book, a voice interrupted, "Leave her alone, Hailee."

Everyone turned to see Alex standing there, her presence exuding confidence and strength. Y/N's eyes widened, unsure of what to expect. Hailee sneered at Alex, "And who are you?"

"I'm someone who won't tolerate bullying," Alex replied firmly. "Give her back the book."

Hailee hesitated for a moment before tossing the book back to Y/N. "Fine, have your stupid book," she spat, walking away with her friends in tow, but not before throwing a cold glance at Alex.

"Thank you," Y/N whispered to Alex, her heart pounding with gratitude and relief.

Alex smiled warmly. "No problem. I can't stand bullies."


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soothing twilight glow through Y/N's bedroom window, she would retreat to the solace of her sanctuary. The weight of Hailee's hurtful words and relentless bullying bore heavily on her young shoulders, leaving her feeling broken and defeated.

Each night, Y/N's room transformed into a cocoon of darkness, a place where she could finally let her guard down. She would sit at her desk, surrounded by books that had been her escape from the harsh reality of high school life. As the tears welled up in her eyes, she fought to hold them back, not wanting to give Hailee the satisfaction of seeing her vulnerable.

But as the memories of Hailee's cruel taunts and cutting remarks flooded her mind, the dam of emotions would burst, and the tears would flow freely down her cheeks. The echo of Hailee's laughter would reverberate in her ears, a haunting reminder of her relentless torment.

Y/N's sobs were silent but powerful, the tears a silent testament to the pain she bore every day. She felt isolated and alone, as if no one truly understood the depth of her agony. Her parents, though loving, were often busy with their own lives, unaware of the turmoil that plagued their daughter's heart.

Her tear-stained diary pages bore witness to the emotional turmoil that plagued her soul. With each stroke of the pen, she poured her heart out onto the paper, desperate to find some relief from the emotional burden she carried. Her words were raw and honest, revealing the depths of her anguish.

"Why does she hate me so much?" Y/N would whisper into the stillness of the night, her voice breaking with pain. "What did I ever do to deserve this?"

She yearned for a day when she could walk through the school hallways without feeling the weight of Hailee's judgmental gaze. Y/N longed for acceptance, to be seen for more than just her intellect, and to be valued for the unique person she was.

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