"I never wanted you !"

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summary: y/n and her friends have been caught smoking some illicit shit the day hailee has to leave for tour.

warning: mention of drug.

words count: 2,340


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y/n's pov

"Come on, Y/N! You have to try it at least one time in your life! It's safe ok? We won't bring problems to you or your mom, we're not that stupid. Do it or be a sissy for the rest of your life. Every day we will call you 'sissy' and people will look at you while laughing." Alex, one of my friend said, laughing. He was already high because when he is in his normal state, he's very kind and he cares about each one of his friend. Right now, the weed was speaking instead of him.

"Alex, you can't force her if she doesn't want to try it ok? It doesn't work like that. She smokes only if she wants to smoke." Intervened Ellie, my best friend since 6th grade. "You sure you wanna do that, Y/N?" They all looked at me. Alex, Ellie, Ethan and Lydia.

"Yes I'm sure. Now give me this." I grabbed the joint from Alex's hand and placed it between my lips.

Right now, we were in the men's bathroom, skipping class and smoking weed. Everyone had their turn and I was the last one. I looked at the joint on my mouth before smoking on it by inhaling the thing slowly. I was quick to cough right after and when I was about to give back the joint to Alex, someone entered the bathroom. Shit. We're gonna die. I AM gonna die.

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hailee's pov

I was at home, packing my suitcases for tonight. I am leaving for about a month to go on tour in all the United States. Sorry my European loves, next time maybe... It's been a while since I went on tour and I missed it sooo much! Being next to my fans, singing for them, singing with them, having fun. I can't say it's Y/N's fault because she didn't choose me as her mom and I didn't choose to have a child, a daughter (a/n: i keep the same backstory for hailee's pregnancy in all my stories so you can find the explanation in the 'Who's my daddy' imagine :)). It happened suddenly and nobody expected that. I spent the last 16 years of my life switching between singing, acting and being a mom. Being able to be back on stage is a chance not everybody has. When you hear people cheering you, encouraging you to do better and better every single day, it brings you comfort. It brings you happiness. It brings you health.

Leaving Y/N for a while is not the easiest thing but it's not the first time it happens. She knows what she has to do when I'm not at home with her. Cleaning the house, walking out Martini and Brando, calling me every single day and especially... NO PARTIES.

Sometimes I brought her to set so she could learn and see more about my life. She was always interested at everything I've done.

While packing my stuff, my phone rang and I reached for it on the bed. My eyes opened wide when I saw the number on the screen. Why Y/N's school is calling me? I picked up the call and oh boy I was left speechless. I quickly put my shoes on with a jacket and I grabbed my bag and the key of my car before locking the front door and walking to my Porsche. I drove as fast as I can while respecting the speed limit though.

When I finally arrived to Y/N's high school, I parked the car and got out of it before making my way to the main office. The provisor's office. On my way to there, I crossed Y/N's path. She was sitting on a chair next to the office. I stood in front of her, my arms crossed and my eyebrows furrowed like never.

"IS THIS A JOKE, Y/N?!" I started yelling at her, for good reasons though, but I calmed down to not bother the classes that were still given.

"What? You lost your tongue?!" Still no answers from Y/N. "Y/N Y/M/N STEINFELD! You are obliged to answer the person who gave birth to you." She looked at me with little eyes. She must have cried before I came here. "You," I pointed at her. "You stay here. We'll talk about it when we're home, ok?? I have a little discussion with your provisor." I sighed when she looked down at her feet.

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