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summary: Hailee and Y/N play against each other during a football (soccer) game between their high schools and a little tension grows on the field.

words count: 5,262

a/n: not completely proofread

• Y/N's POV •

      The day before the big game, I found myself back on the football field with my team, the sun beating down relentlessly. My heart pounded with anticipation, and sweat dripped down my forehead as I dribbled the ball, teammates running drills around me.

      During a water break, my friend and teammate, Sarah, approached me with a mischievous grin. She knew all too well about my rivalry with Hailee, the captain of the opposing team.

"So, [Y/N]," Sarah began, "ready to face Hailee tomorrow?"

      I wiped the sweat from my brow, my determination shining through my response. "You know it, Sarah. This is our chance to show them who's boss."

      Sarah's chuckle was knowing as she leaned in closer. "I heard Hailee's been talking about how she's going to shut you down on the field."

      My own smirk couldn't be contained. "Oh, has she now? Well, I'd like to see her try."

      Our conversation continued as we shared stories about previous encounters with Hailee's team. My friend Maria chimed in, "Remember that time Hailee got that red card for fouling you?"

      A grin spread across my face, the memory still vivid in my mind. "Yeah, she couldn't handle the heat."

      My mind wandered back to that intense game a few months ago when we faced off against Hailee's team. The memory of that match was still crystal clear, especially the moment when Hailee received a red card.

      We were in the heat of competition, the score tied, and the pressure mounting. I had the ball, dribbling it with determination, and Hailee, ever the fierce defender, was trying to stop me. We were locked in a physical battle, both of us refusing to back down.

      Then it happened. In the heat of the moment, Hailee's frustration got the best of her. She lunged at me, making a reckless tackle from behind. I went down, and the referee didn't hesitate. He brandished the red card, and Hailee was sent off the field.

      I remembered watching her walk off, her face a mix of frustration and regret. Even though we were rivals on the field, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her in that moment. It was a harsh reminder of how emotions could get the better of even the most skilled players.

      The red card changed the course of that game, and we ended up winning. But as I looked back on it now, I couldn't help but wonder if Hailee had learned from that experience. Tomorrow's match was another chance for both of us to prove ourselves, and I knew it would be just as intense as the one we recalled from the past.

      As we resumed our training, my thoughts kept drifting back to Hailee, the formidable captain of the opposing team. Tomorrow's match was going to be a showdown, and I was determined to lead my team to victory. Hailee might be a skilled opponent, but I was ready to give it my all on the field.

      As our training session wound down, I decided to approach Coach Miller to discuss our strategy for the upcoming game against Hailee's team.

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