"Momma's here, my love."

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summary: little y/n has a nightmare during her sleep but fortunately momma hailee is there.


words count: 1,789

(y/n is 6, hailee is 22)

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hailee's pov

   Y/N and I were watching the AMAs, I was finishing cleaning the dishes while Y/N was already on the couch, laying on her side, with her comforters in her arms. She was holding them tightly, as if they would leave anytime. When I finished my task, I joined her on the couch, I stood in front of her and reached her height by getting on my knees to see her face.

"Y/N, baby.. Lean forward a little bit so I can sit there and you'll put your head on my legs, mmh?" I played with her fingers while she looked at me with her thumb in her mouth, sucking on it with her teddy bear just under her nostrils, smelling the scent of it, mine scent, since it was my teddy bear when I was a child. Y/N eventually moved a little so I could sit. She then put her head on my thighs as I covered her with a blanket.

"Why didn't you go to the AMAs, momma?" Y/N asked, looking at me. I looked down at her, stroking her hair.

"I didn't go to the AMAs because I didn't want to let you alone, sweetheart. It's okay, it's not a big deal. Maybe some people are looking for me but it's less important than you. I prefer spending time with you than going to an event; even though it is a big one." I smiled at her when she answered with a whisper a 'thank you'.

"You know momma.." She started to say while sitting up. "You don't have to go to events because you would humiliate every single one of them because you are the best!" Y/N said with wrapping her arms around me.

"Aww baby... That's so sweet.." I kissed her forehead, smiling for about a minute now. I hugged her tightly until I felt her slowly fall on me. "Ohh... Someone's tired." I chuckled quietly as her eyes reopened slowly. "Guess who's gonna have to go sleeping..?"

"Noooo! I do not want to go to bed..." Y/N complained but her yawn told me the contrary.

"Y/N, honey, you're tired, you just yawn. And, you have school tomorrow. Let's go to bed, yeah? I'll tell you a story." I stroked her back, ready to carry her to her bed.

"Okay..."  She finally gave in, relaxing into my arms. I got up and took Y/N in my arms, walking in direction of her bedroom, Y/N holding her comforters. Once there, I carefully lied Y/N under the covers of her bed and put her comforters against her so she can nuzzle into them. I then sat down next to her, above the sheets.

"So.. What do you want me to read you?" I looked at her books and waited for her answer.

"Dora the explorer!"

"Again?" I chuckled. "That's the fourth time in five days, my love! How about I sing you a song instead?"

"Yes! A song is better than anything else in the world!"

"I taught you well." I said with a proud grin while Y/N was cheering me, applauding me with her tiny hands. "Now.. lay back on your comfortable bed and enjoy the private concert I'm about to give you, little head." I cleared my throat and started singing Y/N's favorite song. It was easy to guess which one it was.

"When tomorrow comes
I'll be on my own
Feeling frightened of
The things that I don't know
When tomorrow comes
Tomorrow comes
Tomorrow comes."

   I looked at Y/N who was smiling brightly. I couldn't help but smile with her, her cute face making me more than happy whenever I see her wonderful smile, her smiling eyes, her cute dimples.

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