Teacher's Pet | PART 2 *

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words count: 2,176

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   I was laying down on a bed, not my bed. Miss Steinfeld's bed. I know that I said that I didn't want to deal with her anymore but I guess I can't help myself. She's so addicting. How did I get into her house for the first time? It's pretty easy. I told her that we needed to talk. Since her boyfriend? was miles away, she told me I could come to her place. Obviously, I wouldn't miss this opportunity so I just agreed. When I came back home after school, I grabbed my best outfit to make me irresistible. Miss Steinfeld won't be capable to contain the urge to make me moan her name.

   The brunette wasn't there. She let me in but she had an important meeting she had to go so I just stayed here. I visited her huge apartment. At the 26th floor of one of the biggest buildings in Los Angeles, the view was mesmerizing. There was a big wall made of glass, where you could see, well, almost all the city. The lady has money that's for sure. Her apartment didn't even had normal walls or maybe 3. Most of the walls were full of glass. I sat on the couch, watching her TV. I grabbed something to eat in her kitchen, I washed my face in her bathroom, I crawled on her bed and took a nap. When I woke up, a blanket was covering my body. I don't remember falling asleep with something on me... Hailee..?

   As I slowly opened my eyes, there was no more lighting but full darkness. It wasn't the day anymore, it was the night. Miss Steinfeld was out during hours and she just came back..? What if she was with her boyfriend while I was waiting all day here for her to come back from her 'meeting' ?

   I'm overthinking everything.

   Hailee Steinfeld. My literature teacher. She is 26 years old. How can she break up with her boyfriend and stays with her 17 years old student. Ok... almost 18, but still. How can she love me instead of someone who has the same age as her?

   I heard footsteps. Tiptoes. Is she checking on me? I pretended that I was still sleeping, just to see what she will do. No more tiptoes. I felt a weight on the bed, hers. She sat next to me and she probably was watching me, no...?

   I must stop imagining things.

   I could feel her hands approaching my face but she stopped then when they were about to reach my cheeks.

   Did she restrained herself from touching me?

   I had enough of this. I slowly opened my eyes, turning my head at the same rythme only to see her watching outside, standing in front of the window, arms crossed. I cleared my throat and rubbed my eyes. Miss Steinfeld turned her body to face me.

"It took me more time than I thought.. Sorry if I made you wait all day. You could have went back to your place."

"I could have. But I chose not to." I simply replied, looking up at her since I was sitting on the bed and she was still standing up.

"Yeah. I can see." She looked away. "So.." She started.

"So... I don't want to fight against your boyfriend for you. It's.. Him or me. Pick one. If you choose him, I'll respect your decision but you won't hear about me anymore. It will look like you and I never met. You and I never shared things. So yes, I want you to choose what you want. Your 'first love' or your student? So what will it be... Your boyfriend or me?"

"Y/N.. You can't make me do that. You can't make me pick someone. Things don't work like that. I told you that we were a mistake. That it shouldn't have happened. I have a boyfriend, that I love—"

"That is a lie. If you loved him, you wouldn't never have slept with me. You wouldn't have flirted with me. You want to believe that you love him but the truth is, you don't care about him anymore because you can't stop thinking about me. I know how I make you feel when I'm around you and you know how you make me feel. Deep inside you, you know you want it to happen, you know you want us to be real." I got up and walked in front of her, still looking up at her since she was taller than me.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now