"I don't recognize you..."

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summary: mom hailee catches her teen smoking cigarettes.


warning: smoking? idk.

words count: 2,177


the story takes place in 2026.

hailee's 29 (let's say it takes place before her birthday cause i don't want to put her in her 30s 😭) and y/n's 14 (born in 2012)

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third person's pov

   She wasn't sure how she was born. She never really asked her mom what happened since she always lived without a paternal figure. Y/N never really cared about it before but the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to know everything. Y/N's friends always talk about how their family is going, how perfect they all are, how their weekends trips are awesome with their siblings. Y/N always thinks they have a normal life: a mother, a father and at least a sibling with maybe a dog or a cat. It may sounded cliché but that was what Y/N thought about having a family, not living with only a mom and two dogs. She thinks her life is completely different and she is kinda right. Her mother is a well known singer and actress. Y/N doesn't know who is her father. She has no siblings. And the only company she has is the two tiny yorkshire, Martini and Brando. Y/N's rich. If we talk about money. Y/N's friends aren't but they have a complete family. They aren't in need, they aren't poor, they're comfortable. Y/N always thinks they have the perfect life. She sometimes thinks her friends are just friends with her because she has Hailee Steinfeld as her mother. But Y/N is an over thinker and sometimes paranoiac to think such things while all Y/N's friends want is the young girl's happiness.

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y/n's pov

   I was in middle-school, walking to my locker with some of my friends by my side as they kept talking about how their weekend was with their family.

"That was so cool! Y'all should have been here! My dad and I played baseball and my mom and my sister were cheering us! Was probably the best weekend of my entire life!" Hanna said, while smiling and laughing at all of us, meanwhile I was just humming, not wanting to talk about this kind of sensitive topic for me.

"That's so cool but not as cool as me! We went to the mini golf near San Francisco and I met a girl there, she was breathtaking! We hung out and when I had to go back to LA, she gave me her number." Ethan was smirking while saying all of this, Jack hitting his shoulder playfully. "What about you, Jack? How was your weekend?"

   Jack was my closest friend. We knew each other  since four years now. He obviously knew that speaking about family things was a sensitive topic for me so he stuttered at first, looking at me, and I nodded, telling him that it was okay. That I'll be fine. That he could tell everything he wanted.

"It was a great... Very great actually. We all went hiking around the Hollywood sign. My little brother struggled a bit but my other brothers helped him while my dad and my mom were so into it."

"Damn dude, you'll have big muscles!" Ethan replied with a laugh. "What about you, Y/N? What did you do?" I stopped walking and sighed discretely, nobody noticing it as I walked back. I stared at the void, lost in my thoughts as I tried to remember what I've done this weekend. That wasn't that hard since I did... nothing.

"I... I stayed home.. Just.. Chilling in the pool..." I shrugged, not saying more.

"Wasn't your mom there?" Hanna asked, searching for my eyes but they were still looking at the floor.

"She was at the studio all day.. So.. No... She wasn't there. At home." I sighed again before I collected myself. "But it's okay. I understand that she's busy. She has her career, she has a lot to do and achieve. I know that she loves what she does, so... It doesn't bother me to stay home, alone." What a big lie. It actually bothered me a lot that I was alone. I barely saw my mom since she was working on new music and heading to the studios every day, from morning to evening. Fortunately she took some time with me when she wasn't forgetting that she had a child who still wasn't major.

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