Thirsty *

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summary: Y/N is 23 years old and she recently started working for Core Hydration as an interviewer. When she has to interview Hailee Steinfeld, 26, one of the main ambassador of the brand, things turned into unexpected events.

words count: 5,346


• y/n's pov •

The morning sun streamed through my window, casting a warm glow across my bedroom. Today was a day that I had been eagerly anticipating—the day of my first interview for Core Hydration with the talented Hailee Steinfeld. As my heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nerves, I knew that preparation was key to making the best impression.

With a determined sigh, I swung my legs out of bed and started my day. I headed straight to the bathroom, splashing my face with water to wake myself up. The cool water was invigorating, and it helped dispel the remnants of sleep that clung to me.

After my quick wake-up routine, I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over my body. The soothing sensation of the water was both comforting and rejuvenating, washing away any lingering tension. As the steam filled the bathroom, I took a moment to collect my thoughts and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Once out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and stood in front of the mirror. My fingers carefully applied a light layer of moisturizer, making sure my skin looked refreshed and radiant. I then moved on to my makeup routine, opting for a natural and polished look that reflected my personal style.

As I browsed through my closet, I selected an outfit that struck the right balance between professional and stylish. After a bit of deliberation, I settled on a tailored blazer over a blouse, paired with sleek black trousers. It was a look that exuded confidence and professionalism.

With my outfit sorted, I made my way to the kitchen. Breakfast was an important part of my routine, and today was no exception. I whipped up a bowl of Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey, along with a slice of whole-grain toast and a steaming cup of herbal tea. The nourishing breakfast provided me with the energy I needed for the day ahead.

As I savored my breakfast, I reviewed my notes one last time. I had prepared a list of thoughtful questions and topics to discuss with Hailee, ensuring that the conversation would flow smoothly. My attention to detail and thorough preparation were evident in every aspect of my morning routine.

With a final glance at my reflection and a deep breath to calm my nerves, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. The anticipation of the interview hung in the air, but I felt ready. I had taken the time to care for myself physically, mentally, and emotionally, ensuring that I would be at my best when meeting the accomplished Hailee Steinfeld.


As I stepped into the sleek New York City studio, I carried with me the confidence that came from knowing I had prepared myself thoroughly. The nerves were still there, but they were now accompanied by a sense of excitement and anticipation for the conversation that lay ahead. This was a moment I had been preparing for, my first interview for Core Hydration, and it was with none other than Hailee Steinfeld, a talented actress and singer I had admired for years.

Hailee, exuding effortless confidence, rose from the couch as I approached. "Y/N, right?" Hailee's voice was warm, a genuine smile lighting up her face.

I nodded, my voice a touch shaky. "Yes, that's me. It's truly an honor to meet you, Hailee."

Hailee gestured to the couch next to her. "Likewise, Y/N. Let's make this a conversation, not just an interview."

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