Story 1 - the Yule ball

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Garreth's point of view (5th grade):

"This year, due to the Triwizard Tournament, there will be a Yuleball. We'll be giving you dance lessons once a week starting this afternoon, and at the ball itself you'll have the opportunity to spend the evening with a partner of your choice," said Aunt Matilda to the other Gryffindors.

My gaze wandered as unobtrusively as possible to Caelie, who was sitting next to me and nervously wiggling her feet. But I was also terribly nervous. I have to ask Caelie right now, not that someone else will do it first, I told myself.

At the end of the lesson, we packed up our stuff. My heart raced like crazy.

"Caelie!", I slipped out unexpectedly, croaking and loud, "Are we going to the Yuleball together? It'll be fun." I said, trying to laugh away my shame.

"Sure, why not?" she answered me and I saw her blush a little. I didn't know whether that was due to my rather embarrassing way of asking the question, or to the content of the question. But I didn't care. I would take my Caelie to the Yule Ball. A lovely thought.

I was so happy that she immediately and without hesitation agreed that I had to write a letter to my parents at the first opportunity.

"Hi Mum, Hi Dad!

There's a Yuleball at Hogwarts this year and Caelie and I are going together. Please, please, please buy me a nice, dark holiday outfit. I want to look good on my date. Haha.

Love you, Gary."

I rushed to the Owlery to send the letter. I handed my letter to a trustworthy-looking barn owl and hurried back to the castle.

On the way down the stairs I crashed into a guy who fell backwards down the stairs.

"Weasley, can't you even open your fucking eyes?!" he snarled at me, brushing the owl dirt off his robes.

"I'm really sorry, Sallow, but I'm super excited about the Yule Ball," I said with a really dirty smile, "cause Caelie's going with me."

His already scowl darkened even more, "It's hard to believe that she would stoop to going with someone like you. Well, that's probably pity, because otherwise you'd be all alone.", he said and spat at my feet .

"You know, Sallow. I don't care why she's joining me, but I look forward to dancing with her for hours and who knows what will happen afterwards," I said, dancing out of the owlery. "Fuck you, you fucking ginger cunt!" Sallow called after me.

I ran to the castle. I didn't give a fuck about Sallow's insults. Nothing and almost nobody could spoil my mood. Not even the fact that I needed to learn to dance.

To have a nice evening with Caelie, it was worth it to me.

I rushed into the auditorium, where Aunt Matilda and the other Gryffindors were already waiting for me.

"So dear ones. You have the wonderful opportunity to take part in the Yule Ball. But so that we don't embarrass ourselves in front of the other schools, you have to be able to dance.

And that's why you're here. Then I would say, let's not hesitate and get started. Mr. Prewett, please come forward," she said. Merlin's beard, I was glad she hadn't called me forward.

"The rest of you please pair up," she said, and a second later Caelie was standing in front of me, grinning broadly at me.

We stood up as requested. She should put a hand on my shoulder and I should put one on her hip. The other hands we should hold each other.

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