Story 20 - Amortentia

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Garreth's point of view (summer holidays between 4th and 5th grade):

Oh fuck, my back hurts like hell, I thought to myself as I woke up. I sat up and realized I had fallen asleep on the roof by my room. I looked around and saw Caelie lying right next to me.

Oh sure, we were sitting here together talking into the night. I sat down and stretched. It wasn't really light yet and we had slept for maybe four hours.

I carefully got up, lifted Caelie and put her in my bed. I sat down on the edge of my bed and looked at her. She was absolutely beautiful. Her lovely dark red hair that hung a bit over her face. Her mouth that was always a little open when she slept. Her face was simply flawless and perfect.

I sat next to her for a while, brushed her hair out of her face and stroked her cheek. I leaned towards her and breathed in her fantastic scent.

I wanted nothing more than that she would feel the same for me as I felt for her. I desired her so much. Over and over again in my daydreams I caught myself imagining how she touched me. How she lusted for me as much as I lusted for her.

I stroked from her cheek, down her neck, and ran my index finger down her collarbone. How I would have liked to touch her even more, but while I had already crossed many lines, in my desperation, I didn't want to just grope her without her being able to do anything to stop it. I really wanted her to want it as much as I do.

In my head I could hear her voice, "Garreth, kiss me." "Ahh, pleeease, let's do it." "You make me feel so good."

I stood up. My arousal was taking over, and I was aware that I was not thinking, and especially a little unpredictable in moments like this. But I didn't want to do anything with Caelie that she didn't want me to do.

I leaned over her again, taking a deep breath as I caught my lips touching her collarbone. I was scared of myself and hurried out of my room. I locked myself in the bathroom, and leaned against the window sill.

I closed my eyes and let Caelie's voice in my head do more talking while I gave myself some relief. It didn't take long for me to finish.

I went downstairs and outside. I grabbed my broom and did some flying. I had made a potion a few days ago that I hadn't told anyone about because I was so ashamed of myself for being willing to use such methods.


I was brewing the strongest love potion and was considering giving it to Caelie. I was sure she just needed a nudge in the right direction to realize what she had in me. But I didn't want to force her into anything.

I was so torn inside, but decided to finish brewing it first and only then decide what to do next.

After all, I meant her no harm. Quite the opposite. I just wanted to give her all the love I had carried for her for so long.

The potion was ready. I was able to fill three vials before the cauldron was empty. When I filled it, I had to chuckle. It just smells like Caelie, I thought to myself. I put the vials in my bag, removed my little brewing station, and flew back home. Dad was awake by now, too, feeding the kneazles.

"Gary, where did you come from?", he asked me irritated. I landed and stroked my favourite kneazle, Helia. She was quite old, but had been near me whenever I was home since I was a little boy. Every now and then she even climbed over the roof into my room and slept in my bed. I just had to be careful that my parents didn't notice, as they were of the opinion that free-roaming kneazles shouldn't sleep in my bed.

But Helia was always there for me when I was sad. Even when grandpa died, I liked to cuddle up in her fur to relax a bit. She also looked a little different from our other kneazles. She had shiny golden fur, while the other kneazles all had reddish fur.

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