Story 17, Part 2/3 - Non-verbal

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A few really nice weeks passed with Fayette. I had bought a book for the French language and began to learn French secretly. And Fayette tried to understand more and more English. I think she managed to understand quite well by now, but speaking was really hard for her.

After Potions class, I decided to ask my teacher for some advice.

"Professor McCorley, can I ask ye a question?" "Of course, Mr. Lewis, go ahead." "Professor, are thare any treatments that can be used to remove scars? To make them gradually disappear?" "Certainly. What exactly do you imagine? An oil? A tincture?" "A paste or ointment, I think." "Okay, then I'd say let's make a test ointment from my stocks, and if it works, bring the ingredients, and then we'll make some more. Until all the scars are gone." she said and went to her pantry.

She took a tiny cauldron and explained how to make the ointment. Just before we finished, there was a knock at the door. "Yes?" called Professor McCorley. Dalvin entered, "Ed, you should come with me. Fayette's looking all panicky for you.", he said as he took a breath.

"It's okay, Mr. Lewis. I'll finish this. I'll see you tomorrow anyway." "Thank you, Professor!", I exclaimed and ran out of the room. I ran after Dalvin. Even from a distance, I heard Fayette's voice calling my name in sheer panic.

I saw her, and ran as fast as I could to her. She was crying and distraught in the middle of a corridor where many students were staring at her. I ran to her and gave her a tight hug.

"It's all right, Fayette. I'm here. It's all right," I kept saying softly as I stroked her head. I hugged her close and noticed how her whole body was shaking. She seemed terrified.

Adaliz rushed to us. "What 'appened?" she asked in very bad English. "I don't know."

Adaliz started talking to Fayette, trying to calm her down. I didn't know what she was talking about, but it seemed to help. "She was scared about you," Adaliz said quietly. "But why?" "I can't explain it to you, pardon," she said a little desperately. "It's okay. Thank ye, Adaliz," I said and focused on Fayette again.

I carried her in my arms and took her outside into the sun. I laid her down on the grass and cuddled up to her. When she had calmed down again, I looked in my pocket for a piece of paper. 

I took a pen and tried to draw something for her. I wanted to take her to my parents' for the weekend. There we would be a bit more undisturbed and my parents would surely be happy to meet her.

I drew myself, her and my parents. Just small stick figures, but she understood and nodded. "Merci, Edvin." she said softly.

I planned to sleep directly at my parents' house, so I packed in my bag everything I would need. Fayette came to meet me as we were leaving Friday after school, but she didn't have a bag with her.

I pulled a shirt out of my bag and showed it to her. She opened her mouth and ran back to her room. A short time later she came out again, carrying her bag.

I gave her a kiss and together we went outside. By now it was the end of November, and much chillier, but all the better. So she had to cuddle up to me even tighter.

We took it slowly. We hadn't had sex with each other yet, even though we had been close several times, but I didn't want to make love to her for the first time somewhere secret, I wanted it to be nice and romantic. I had already seen her without her blouse once and her whole upper body was also very scarred. When I tried to ask her who it was, she just said, "Maman et Papa."

I felt nauseous at the thought of it. I didn't know why her parents had done this to her, but I knew I would protect her as long as she stayed with me.

I ended up outside my parents' house and knocked on the door. Mum opened the door and beamed at me. She looked a little irritated when she saw Fayette, but she smiled.

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