Story 37, Part 1/4 - Tournament

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Eddie's point of view ( 7th grade/1911):

"We welcome more students than usual today. Once again we have the honour of welcoming our friends from Beauxbaton and Durmstrang.

Hogwarts is once again the venue for the Triwizard Tournament this year.

Every student who has reached the age of majority is invited to participate. However, please remember that the three tasks are not to be underestimated. They are challenges that can be really dangerous.

However, we trust that you will be able to judge your ability and decide for yourselves whether you want to expose yourself to danger.

If you have decided to participate, you are welcome to drop a note with your name into the Goblet of Fire. In three days' time, the goblet will select the three participants.

But until then, have a lovely first few days at Hogwarts," said Aunt Matilda after the first years had been assigned to their houses.

"Seb, do we want to do this?", I asked my brother as the meal began.

"This age of majority rule is absolutely stupid.", Sammy grumbled, to which Tessy immediately agreed, "I'd join in a heartbeat. With my skills, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem." he added, annoyed, as he scooped his food onto his plate.

"And Ed, no. Definitely not." "Why not? You're strong, aren't you?" "Yeah, but not suicidal." he laughed and bit into a chicken wing.

I wanted to participate. I tried to look to Venia, who was sitting with the Slytherins at the other end of the Great Hall, also seeking my gaze. We both nodded towards each other happily. Venia was willing to try. I could see that very well.

After Venia officially moved in with us, we spent the entire summer together and it was really fantastic.

We had found a secret and hidden room in the basement at home where we did really dirty things. Venia had quickly found out that she liked to immobilize me, spank me a bit and then ride me and I was more than happy that we had a little secret retreat where we could do it without restraint.

After the feast, we were all supposed to go to our common rooms, but Venia and I met for a moment at the long tables to talk it out. "Tomorrow before breakfast, let's throw our names in that thing, shall we?" she asked me, eyes shining.

"Absolutely! That would be really interesting if one of us got picked.", I said and gave her a little kiss, "See you tomorrow, sunshine.", I whispered before hurrying after the other Gryffindors.

"You really want to do this?", Seb asked me, looking at me sceptically. "Sure. A little excitement before we finish school." "You realised that tens of people have died there, right?" "Yeah, but we're not normal students, Seb. Even if I don't know Mum's magic very well, I can use it actively. That puts me ahead of most people, doesn't it?" "Yes Ed, we're probably equally good at Mum's magic, but I don't think that's going to help you."

"Gosh Seb, don't be so pessimistic. You know I'm talented." "But I also know you like to overestimate yourself," Seb said, continuing to look at me sceptically.

"Venia wants to do it too." "I just hope none of you get picked. Sorry man, but I really don't want you to die in any of these tasks," Seb said and walked into our dorm.

But I was determined. I wanted to do it and I wanted to win. I didn't care about the prize money at all, but next to my brother, the prefect and head boy, I also wanted to achieve something.

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