Story 37, Part 3/4 - Tournament

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After Christmas was over, we were still allowed to leave the castle for a few days, so I decided to travel to Paris with Venia, Sebbi and Runa and visit Grandma Vivi, and the others. They welcomed our ladies with open hearts and really warmly. They knew I was competing in the Triwizard Tournament, and despite Alexandre being a friend of a friend of my cousin Larena, Uncle Louis' daughter, they cheered me on and gave me pretty much all the good luck charms they possessed.

The second task of the tournament was getting closer and closer.

Something about this task seemed to have to do with Graphorns, at least that's what Alexandre told me. Liana continued not to be very sociable, and her stern look only got worse after her loss in the first task.

And then came the 24th of February. The Scottish Highlands were snowed in, but that didn't matter as the challenge was probably on the coast anyway.

With portkeys all the spectators, and before that we participants, were ported to a quiet coastal area.

"Good to see you three back safe and sound. Today's task, you will complete at the same time, but separately from each other. We have been observing you over the past weeks and have been able to find out which people are particularly close to you.

It is precisely these people that you must search for and bring back again. We have enchanted the resident animals so that they think these people are their children. Accordingly, they will protect them.

There is no time limit. There is only one rule. You must not apparate or use your broom. And even if you try, it won't work. The entire area is so enchanted that neither is possible.

Accordingly, act wisely and set your priorities. I wish you and your loved ones the best luck," said the man from the ministry whose name I kept forgetting.

What? Our loved ones? For the first time I saw a hint of panic in Liana's eyes. Alexandre was also very pale and I noticed how I began to tremble. Bad, it's just bad to drag our friends into this, I thought to myself as I realized how terribly nauseous I was feeling.

We lined up on the starting line. And were given directions, so at the starting gun we ran in the directions given.

I ran and ran, and just saw nothing. Suddenly I heard loud stomping in the distance. Apparently, graphorns really were part of the task.

I had to run in, grab Venia or whoever was there and run back as fast as I could.

Graphorns are about the most dangerous beasts there are in Scotland. For their size and weight, they are unexpectedly fast and agile. They are also very robust and no less strong.

I kept running in the direction of the trampling until I suddenly heard a loud scream. That was neither Venia's nor Sebbi's scream. It sounded much more like Papa.

I sprinted on, on and on. A graphorn came towards me, but I dodged it and ran on to the graphorn nest, or however the creatures reproduced.

However, I suddenly stopped. I saw not only Papa's reddish-blond hair, but also Venia's light-blond head. They were both lying on the ground, bound and gagged, a few metres apart.

I could never save them both at the same time and yet, I had to do it somehow.

I distracted the graphorns and made them run somewhere else. I ran to Venia, who was lying further away, and grabbed her by her bound and pulled her along with me. I also grabbed Papa by the rope and tried to drag them both with me.

Suddenly the graphorns noticed me and sprinted towards me. I put Papa and Venia down on the ground and tried to fight off the graphorns. Again and again I pushed individuals away, but at that moment I could do nothing but fight them off.

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