Story 7 - Sebastian's dispair

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This story is based on Sebastian's point of view from chapter 1-14.

Sebastian's point of view ( 6th grade):

I kept doing research all summer. Researched to save my sister, my twin. To finally break her of her damn curse.

I heard Anne screaming. She was in so terrible pain. She was screaming loudly and crying, but I was unable to see her. Panicking, I ran around trying to find her.

All at once I woke up and laid sweaty in my bed. Ominis was still asleep and it was still dark outside.

Wonderful, sleep had come to an end once again, I thought to myself annoyed and got up and got dressed.

I decided to go into the undercroft and read some more. To try out a few things before Ominis woke up and reprimanded me for my research.

I grabbed my wand and sneaked out of the common room. It was three in the morning and I knew I had a few hours now.

I was annoyed, I was frustrated, I was worried and I was also really exhausted after the two years Anne had been cursed now.

I just couldn't find a solution. I went over and over again to the restricted section of the school library, but even in the books I found there, there was nothing that could help Anne.

I had learned all the unforgivable curses through one of the books and also other combat spells, but even the few healing spells described there didn't help.

Poor Anne, you don't deserve this pain, I thought to myself as I began to flip through the books.

I felt rage rising inside me. I am such an incompetent loser that I can't even cure my sister.

I carried a lot of anger inside me.

Anger at my uncle Solomon, who took us in after our parents died but abused us physically and psychologically. He had stopped beating Anne and me, but I still have the scars from that time.

Anger at Ominis because he just wouldn't help me, even though he had so much knowledge about dark magic through his family. Because he had the opportunities to research in places I would never get to see.

Anger at goblins because they were the ones who had done this to my sister.

Anger at Weasley because that guy kept the only girl I had any romantic interest in away from me, even though they weren't a couple themselves.

They all pissed me off so much.

I didn't understand what I had done to deserve this fucked up life. As if it wasn't bad enough that my parents died so young. Why the rest of it? Why couldn't I have someone by my side who would feel the same way I did, who knew that if necessary you had to take dark paths to reach your goal. Why didn't I have anyone with which I could honestly share my thoughts? Why am I only blamed for my actions? Why does no one try to understand why I do all this?

Ominis was my closest friend and I loved him like a brother, but he didn't understand me. He did not support me. Quite the other way around. Over and over again he tried to stop me from my search for a cure.

Imelda and Nerida were only to be used as cheap toys. One dumber and more spoiled than the other, but at least I could vent my anger on them. To some extent, at least.

While they begged me over and over again to fuck them, they weren't worth it to me. I really only wanted to do that with someone I truly loved. And I didn't love those two whores.

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