Story 11 - Fever

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Garreth's point of view (5th grade, Christmas):

The day after the Yule Ball that Caelie and I went to together, so two days before the start of the holidays, I had my drink. I had brewed a potion that was supposed to give me a terrible fever so I wouldn't be well enough to travel.

In class I collapsed and was taken to the hospital wing. Madam Blainey gave me all sorts of medicine, but as I kept drinking my potion, my fever wouldn't come down.

After class, Caelie came rushing to me. "Garreth, what's wrong? Are you feeling better?" she asked me anxiously. I leaned over to her. "I'm fine, it's all planned. I want to stay at Hogwarts over Christmas," I said, lying back down. Caelie grinned widely, "Seriously? And you're going to make yourself sick for that?" "Yeah, I don't want to go see my family. I love them all but I really don't feel like it." "Then just say that." "It's useless. I've been doing it for the last few years."

"Oh Garreth, but making you sick can't be the solution..." "It's all right, Caelie. I'm not that bad." "Yeah, but still." "Don't be worried about me. Please.", I said softly and smiled at her. I didn't want Caelie to be concerned about anything because of me.

"As soon as my parents leave, I'll take the antidote and then we'll have a wonderful Christmas together here," I said, continuing to smile at her. She puffed but nodded and smiled at me.

I wanted to stay with her. I wanted to spend all my time with her. I didn't want her to stay sad and lonely in the castle all the time again. I wanted to be with her. We had never spent Christmas together because Caelie vehemently refused to accompany my family because she was worried about being a burden to anyone.

And I, being a little fucking coward, just couldn't tell her that she was making it much worse for all of us by staying in the castle. I couldn't hide my concerns and my longing for her at all. And my mood over the holidays was accordingly miserable.

And besides, I was worried that some idiot here in the castle would take the opportunity to try to flirt with Caelie in my absence.

Caelie sat with me for a while before Madam Blainey sent her out.

The next day at the end of class, Caelie came to me again. She brought me the material I had missed. The fever was clearly taking its toll on my strength by now. Even though it was intended, it was exhausting my body. I had taken that into calculation and mixed my antidote with a healing potion.

In the evening, Caelie was sent away again. My siblings should be home by now, and it was only a matter of time before my parents would show up to check if I was simulating.

And so it happened. At midday the next day, while Caelie was sitting next to me, my parents came into the hospital wing. Dad looked really pissed.

"Garreth, what the hell are you doing?" my father asked dryly. "I have no idea. I felt like shit just after the ball and I've had a fever since then. I probably caught something between all the people," I said. My voice was really weak by now because I felt really terrible.

"Are you kidding us?" asked Dad. "No, Madam Blainey takes my temperature all the time. I don't know what it is either, but it's not going down," I said quietly.

"Garreth, I don't believe a single word you say," Dad said and Mum went to Madam Blainey. She was a healer too, so I knew it was difficult to fool her, but I was well prepared.

"But Mr. Weasley, Garreth collapsed in the middle of class," Caelie interjected. "Yes, but that doesn't mean anything, Caelie. The boy is smart and sometimes really cunning. When he's trying to fool us, he tries his best," Dad said grumpily.

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