Story 37, Part 4/4 - Tournament

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I had reached first place and was now also in first place overall, but I could not celebrate. Again and again I heard half of Papa's body being crushed.

I could no longer sleep. And the other two participants were also deeply traumatised.

After the competition, it was discussed whether the whole tournament should be cancelled, but none of us wanted that. We had given too much to give up now. After the ministry assured us that the last task would not involve other people, animals or enchanted dolls, we agreed to continue.

But I was still miserable. I felt ashamed, but I could only sleep for weeks with medication and papa's presence.

'Venia's' injuries were not that severe, so I coped much better than what happened to 'Papa'.

I slept in Papa's bedroom in the castle during that time, while he slept on an armchair next to me. Again and again I dreamt of the sound of his bones being smashed and him screaming. 

Again and again, when I closed my eyes, I saw him lying in front of me.

I woke up several times every night to make sure everything was all right. Even when we were home at weekends, Papa would sleep on the armchair in the living room while I lay on the sofa, if he didn't just put me to bed with him, Mum and Dad at night so he could at least have a little cuddle with his spouses.

That alone made me terribly uncomfortable. I, a grown young man, was sleeping in my parents' bed. So much I had never been ashamed before. But Papa said it was okay, and he would sleep at my side for as long as it was necessary.

But the other two participants felt quite the same way, except that they didn't have the same opportunity to always make sure everything was okay.

One Monday, I was called out of class by Papa. I hadn't been able to concentrate for weeks anyway.

Papa went with me to the rooms where the other students were being taught and together he took us to Aunt Matilda's office where Uncle Pelleas was having a cup of tea.

"We know how badly you three are doing, that's why I brought my brother to join us. He works as a obliviator and is, so to speak, a professional memory manipulator. He can make you forget the traumatic experiences. We have arranged this with your headmasters, your parents and the ministry. Unfortunately, we didn't get the approvals for it right away, so it took a little while."

"Please, I can't bear it any more," Alexandre said and burst into tears again.

"Would you like to forget it too, Ms. Petrescu?" asked Aunt Matilda as Liana also began to cry. "You too, right, Eddie?" "Yes, please. As soon as possible.", I replied, noticing how just talking about it made tears come to my eyes again.

"I will adjust the memories to the point that afterwards you will no longer see your loved ones, but only puppets or bags. No blood, no humanity, no resemblance to your loved ones. Do you agree?", Uncle Pelleas asked carefully.

We all nodded. And then he started on Alexandre, who immediately stopped crying and was able to smile for the first time in weeks. Then with Liana, and then with me.

And indeed, I only remembered trying to carry two bags of flour to the finish. "Better?" asked Uncle Pelleas. "Significantly." "Very good. Your memories were truly cruel. I don't know which complete idiot approved those tasks. I'm really sorry you suffered so much, but you should be better now. If not, please let one of them both know and I'll come back."

We were taken back to our classrooms, and sure enough. I felt good again. I felt healthy again. And I felt terribly tired.

After school Venia and I lay down outside on a meadow. Winter was over by now and it was finally getting warm again. With my head on Venia's thighs, I fell asleep in the sun and only woke up again when it was already dark, while Venia tried to read something with the help of Lumos.

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