Story 31 - Lost

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Tina's point of view (3rd of June 1912):

"Mum, how do I look?", I asked quietly as I put on the clothes my mum had handed me.

"Quite lovely. Like the perfect example of a young Scottish lady," Mum said, adjusting my bonnet.

"Anne, do I really have to wear this?", I heard Papa ask. He sounded slightly embarrassed. "Oh come on. Sebastian and the others will be wearing kilts too. You look fantastic." she said and I heard them kiss.

"But I feel really uncomfortable wearing a skirt." "It's not a skirt! It's a kilt!" "Then I'm just uncomfortable wearing a kilt. But if I have to." he said, panting, and dropped into his favourite armchair.

"Oh, you two look fantastic too." said Mum happily and I heard Senara and Venora come out of their room, "I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't been to a big traditional folk festival like this since I was a kid."

Mum hurried happily back and forth, and eventually I heard a knock and lots of excited voices outside our door. Dad took my hand and together we went outside.

"YOU ALL LOOK ADORABLE!" exclaimed Mum excitedly.

"I like the breeziness under it," I heard Uncle Gary say. "I hate it." said Eddie, sounding slightly exasperated. "I think we look pretty cool," Sebbi said, sounding very proud.

Dad and I walked slowly to the others. "The important thing is that we all put our wands away and do not, I repeat, do not pull them out. We are among muggles there. So, no magic." said Uncle Sebastian firmly.

"I've got yours, Tina. Just stay close to me, okay?" said Dad quietly. I nodded and simply didn't let go of Dad's hand.

Dad and I have a special relationship. After all, we are the only blind people. And we are very much alike. We're usually very quiet, and rather reserved, while my mum and sisters are much more hyper.

"Well, let's apparate to Dundee. Not that we'll miss out on all the fun," Uncle Sebastian said cheerfully.

I was looking forward to the festival. Mum had been raving about it for the last few weeks, telling us all about the special things at such festivals.

We seemed to have arrived in a small wood, which I could tell by the smell.

We walked together and I could already hear many people talking and bagpipe music in the distance.

"Well Tina. Are you excited yet?" asked Uncle Gary, nudging me gently on the shoulder. "Yes, I'm looking forward, but I'm not sure about my clothes," I said, a little embarrassed. "You fit in just fine. We all wear clothes like that. And it looks great on all of us. Including Eddie, even if he doesn't want to hear it." he said, laughing softly.

"But I also wish I could have just worn regular pants," Dad said, sounding slightly embarrassed. "Oh really? I like the kilt a lot. It doesn't squash anything and it's just so much more comfortable." 

"They're culturally illiterate," Mum interjected with a laugh. "I never thought I'd wear something like this again. When was the last time we were here, Anne? When we were five, wasn't it?" "Yeah. Five or six, with Orla and Elva, because Solomon stayed at the first bar to get drunk."

"Well, I wouldn't mind passing that experience," Eddie said softly, laughing. "You're just grumpy because Venia didn't want to join us," Aunt Caelie interjected. "Yeah, why is Venia allowed to stay home and I'm not?" "Because firstly, your grandfather always did that with your mum and me, and secondly, because Venia is packing your things," Uncle Gary replied, chuckling softly.

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