Story 41, Part 1/2- Self-sacrifice

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Sebastian's view in February 1893:

Everything was going so wonderfully. Our wedding was only four months away, and life was more than wonderful with Caelie and Garreth by my side.

I was happily walking from the Room of Requirement to the Slytherin common room, having spent a wonderful evening with my two nearest and dearest, when I found a small letter on my bedside cabinet.

"Sebastian Sallow, we both know what happened at Feldcroft. I'm giving you until Friday to turn yourself in, otherwise the Ministry staff will come for you."

My eyes couldn't believe what they were reading.

Why? Why now? Why six months later? Was it just a bluff? I rushed outside to find Ominis.

"Hey, Ominis, did you notice that someone was in our dormitory?" I asked Ominis, who was doing his homework. Ominis raised his head and frowned, "No, why?" "I got a strange letter. It was on my bedside cabinet." "Sorry Seb, but I didn't notice anything. What was it about?" "Not that important, I was just wondering," I replied, trying to sound as relaxed as possible.

I stormed off again and looked around our room. When I couldn't find any more hints, I looked at the letter again.

I didn't know the handwriting. It seemed to have been written in a great hurry. A intruder at Hogwarts? That was hardly possible, but perhaps he could be summoned from outside?

Fear rose within me. Should I take the letter seriously? I decided to wait before I panicked. But it wasn't as easy as I thought. I lay awake half the night while Ominis snored in bed next to me. At some point, probably early in the morning, I did fall asleep. And when I woke up again, well before my alarm clock rang, there was another letter on my bedside table.

"Sallow, I know it sounds unbelievable, but please believe me, I will report you to the Ministry at the end of this week.

Unfortunately, I can't reveal my identity or my exact reasons to you, but there are investigations in Feldcroft. The truth about the Inferi and Solomon Sallow's death will undoubtedly be known in short time. Out of selflessness, I am giving you the chance to prepare yourself before you turn yourself in or, should you ignore my letters, be escorted away.

I know you're involved with Weasley and Lewis. Don't just leave them, or your sister, without a word. You still have a chance to say goodbye gracefully."

My heart stopped. I didn't know who was writing me these letters. I compared the font with the other letter and both were written by the same person. But who was going to turn me in? I could feel myself starting to cry. I just wanted to be happy. Why wasn't I allowed that? I had changed. I wanted to make up for all my mistakes. I was still researching a medicine for Anne, and also testing whether Garreth and I could somehow create a potion to make Ominis finally see.

I was doing my best to be a good person, and yet, these mistakes were a part of me and apparently, now was the time to pay for them.

If there was an investigation at Feldcroft, they would find out that it was me who commanded the Inferi, and that Anne had killed Solomon. I had to take both on myself, otherwise Anne would be imprisoned as well.

Garreth and Caelie had each other, and Anne still had Ominis. My presence was simply not necessary anyway.

Ominis continued to snore beside me while I thought. I was sure that he, too, would protect Anne with his life.

I got up with a tear-stained face and went to take a shower. In the meantime, I continued to think.

Garreth and Caelie's wedding could go ahead without me. They had each other, Garreth's wonderful family and now Caelie's too. They had a house they could live in forever, and money for food, Garreth would have no problem earning if Caelie was pregnant at some point. They didn't need me. I was not needed.

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