Story 2 - Garreth in Perpignan

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This story picks up the period between chapters 5 and 6 of my fanfiction.

Garreth's point of view ( 6th grade):

After that amazing night under the oak tree, Caelie and I fell asleep on the sofa.

We woke up, went to have a shower and just as we were kissing, I heard a throat clearing.

"Good morning, you two. Garreth, I need to talk to you, please come with me for a moment," Aunt Matilda said. Despite the fact that she was smiling, she looked very concerned.

I thought I had done something again, but it wasn't her 'Garreth, you're in for a scolding' look. She looked really worried. I followed her.

"Gary, you need to go home. Your father has been attacked. His life is not in danger, but your mother needs your assistance. Caelie can come with you as he is her foster father and guardian. The two little ones stay here. I don't want them to see him like this."

I was shocked. I went back to Caelie and told her that we had to travel to my parents now. We packed our things and flew to Hogsmeade to use the Floo Powder Chimney to Devon from there.

Arriving home, Mum came crying to us. "But please. Don't be frightened" she said quietly.

"Yvain, Gary's home." she said and walked into the dark room.

"Dad? What happened?" I asked irritated. I didn't see any injury. At least until Mum lifted the blanket. Dad's lower legs were gone.

"He was attacked on his way home by a fleeing criminal he was involved in sentencing. He succeeded in escaping before he was transported to Azkaban. I managed to stop the bleeding for now, but I couldn't save his legs. I'm going to fly to the hospital now and get some Muggle medicine. Gary, please stay here and take care of your father if he needs anything," Mum said and ran out of the house.

Dad. There was a void in my head. I thought of nothing and I saw nothing more. I felt warmth on my face and slowly I was pulled out of my trance.

"Garreth, it's going to be okay," Caelie said softly. I couldn't speak. I nodded and sat down next to my dad.

I began to think about what I could do. I had just read earlier about a plant that was supposed to be stronger than the best essence of dittany already without being processed. Would that be an option, I asked myself.

While I waited for Mum, I watched Dad and thought.

When she came back, I grabbed my bag, my wand, my broom and flew off. I could have used the Floo Powder Chimney to Paris, but I wanted some more time to think. So I flew over the English Channel as my eyes slowly closed.

I woke up when I fell off my broom and hit the stony coastal floor. One of those pointy little stones pierced my upper arm when I hit the ground. Painful, but nothing a little potion couldn't fix.

I kept thinking, this plant can only be found near Perpignan in the Pyrenean mountains. A special yellow lavender.

I flew on and on. I hadn't eaten all day and I was feeling quite nauseous by now, so I stopped in a small town and bought a bottle of water and a baguette. I then flew on for a few more hours until it was completely dark outside. In a small village, I flew to the highest roof and laid down.

Dad, I hope I can make this right, I thought to myself. I didn't want to lose my dad as well. It still hurt me so much that Grandpa was dead. I couldn't lose my dad too.

I thought about Mum and Caelie. They must be worried. Especially Caelie. Dad knew that in situations like this I liked to stray around outside to think. He was the same kind of person.

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