Story 36 - Offspring

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Garreth's point of view (Early 1913):

Friday. Finally the weekend and enjoying the peace and quiet. I apparated home and greeted my two sweethearts, but they didn't look particularly cheerful.

Just as I was about to ask, someone opened the door. Eddie and Venia came running in. "GUYS!!! VENIA AND I ARE HAVING A BABY! MY VENIA IS PREGNANT!" he shouted loudly and joyfully.

A baby? Sure, the boy has grown up. Still feels like it was only a short time ago when Caelie and I were expecting our twins. A smirk came to my face. They both looked so happy, but when I looked to Caelie and Sebastian, they both looked rather shocked.

"That's wonderful.", I said smiling and hugging them both when I heard Caelie let out a loud cry. Quick as a flash, I turned back around and saw that Sebastian was already hugging her.

"Why are you crying?", I asked, but Caelie said nothing and just sat down on the sofa. Eddie and Venia looked at me as confused as I looked at them.

"Garreth, it's not only Venia who's pregnant," Sebastian said, looking at me a little worried.

I just pointed my finger questioningly at Caelie as Sebastian started to nod. My mouth remained open, as did the two younger ones.

I was 38 years old by now, had more grey hair than I would have liked, and was head over heels in organising the school and my classes, and yet, in a split second, my body filled with sheer love and joy.

"This is fantastic.", I said, and couldn't help smiling widely. "But I can't run the bakery on my own," Sebastian said, looking at me sadly.

Sure, that's what they were worried about. The bakery was still going wonderfully, and the two of them were making almost as much income as I was earning.

Venia sat down and leaned against Caelie, "Then hire someone," she suggested.

"That is easier said than done. We had already considered opening a second shop, but suitable staff are very rare. After all, we can't hire Muggles." "Oh, that's right. I hadn't thought of that."

"I'll think of something. Worst case scenario, I'll just have to take care of the dough before I go to work." "NO!" cried Caelie suddenly, "Garreth, no. You can't do any more work!" "What else am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to stand by and watch you guys break your heads over this?" "I don't know, but you can't work any harder."

"Otherwise we can just open three days a week. That way I'll always have one day to prepare, and one to sell," Sebastian suggested. "That's a good idea. Can you live with that, my beauty?", I asked, leaning over her and kissing her head.

She nodded slightly. I straightened up again, and looked at Eddie, who was looking at me with the same pride I was looking at him. At the same time we took each other in our arms. Eddie was almost as tall as me. Strange feeling, a few weeks ago he felt like he was only ten years old. Slowly we walked over to Sebastian and enclosed him in our embrace.

"We're going to be fathers." whispered Eddie joyfully as Caelie started crying again. I let go of the other two and knelt in front of her.

"What else is bothering you?", I asked, looking at her with honest confusion. Actually, everything was fine, wasn't it?

"It was so nice and quiet at home," she sobbed aloud. "We can take turns, can't we? Sometimes you take care of my child and sometimes I take care of yours. That way you won't have permanent peace, but at least you'll have something," Venia said and put a hand on Caelie's stomach.

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