Story 37, Part 2/4 - Tournament

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The 18th of November was getting closer and closer and I was getting more and more nervous. Had I overestimated myself?

And then the day of the first task dawned.

The other two participants and I were called to a small tent near the Quidditch pitch. Alexandre, the French participant, and I chatted quite casually, while Liana, the student from Durmstrang paid us no attention.

Alexandre said it was great that he could talk to me in French, as he was far too nervous to speak English. A really friendly young man.

The participants were called in the order of the draw of the name, so it was my turn last. Again and again I heard short cheers, and startled gasps. However, I didn't hear any dragons or other loud animal creatures or other monsters.

After a short while, Alexandre ran past me, bleeding a little and sweating a lot. So it was probably exhausting, but not dangerous? He just mumbled, "You can do it," as he was shoved out of the tent.

Liana took much longer and seemed to be swearing loudly in Romanian. Nervously, I paced back and forth, but Liana just didn't come.

It must have taken three or four times as long as it did for Alexandre to leave the tent, quite damaged. She looked at me on her way out, and her look was really anything but friendly.

"Mr. Weasley-Sallow, it's your turn," said a man from the Ministry who administered the assignments.

I stood up and walked after him. I was led onto the Quidditch pitch where loud cheers erupted. I looked around and saw a group of people in the bottom row, each holding up a sign that together, in alternating red and gold letters read "EDDIE!!!♥". Definitely my family. I saw Dad, Mum, Papa, Fiona sitting on Seb's shoulders, Runa, Sammy and Tessy and of course my beautiful Venia holding the heart up joyfully.

I had to laugh when I saw them standing together like that. It was really a beautiful moment.

I looked to the Ministry worker who was about to explain the first task.

"Mr. Weasley-Sallow, your first task may seem simple at first glance, but don't underestimate it. Capture the Demiguise that is in the closed off area in front of you. You may use everything you know and use everything you have with you." "Are there any other rules?" "No." "Good, how much time do I have?" "Placement is based on how much time you need. But basically you have as much time as you need to catch the little guy, unless you give up, but you better not give up, that would disappoint your grandpa." he winked and opened the gate.

I stepped inside. Demiguise. Little grey monkeys that can turn invisible and anticipate my steps.

I looked around. There were some grey monkeys here. They looked like demiguises too, but I was sure they weren't. The real demiguise would surely be hiding or would be indistinguishable from the others.

I sat down on the grass and thought. Rushing to pick up any fake animal would surely have consequences. The Demiguise wouldn't attack me, and the other two had to get their injuries from somewhere.

What else did I know about demiguises? They are herbivores. I reached into my pocket. After all, we were allowed to use everything we had with us. I had some dittany leaves in my pocket, but could I lure it with them?

I decided to at least try. So I opened the little bag and took out a leaf. I put it on the grass and waited.

Even if I couldn't see him, I should be able to hear him. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my hearing. With so many people around, I couldn't concentrate on such a quiet sound.

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