Story 40, Teil 2/3 - Squib

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Marlee's point of view (end of August 1924):

"I'm sorry," Farlan said quietly as we crept out of the house on the last night of August and sat down in the garden.

"You don't have to be sorry. We both can't help it. But just promise me one thing, will you?" I replied just as quietly. Farlan turned his head towards me and looked at me in confusion."If you fall in love with someone at Hogwarts, you'll still have to spend your free time with me." "Of course. And he would have to like you too. But right now, I don't need anyone to smooch with. And when the time comes, I'll have to find a boy who also likes boys. It won't be that easy... But Marlee, I don't want to leave. I don't want to be alone. I want you with me. I wish I could give you half my magic," said Farlan, flicking a stone away.

We both sat next to each other in silence, holding hands as we cried together.

"And at least you don't have to go to a Muggle school. You're very lucky that Grandad Seb is so clever and can teach you everything." "But then I won't make any friends. If I made friends with Muggles, I might even feel better. Less untalented and less weird. And certainly less lonely."

"You're not untalented. I'm really not. You're so brave and kind. And you can bake amazing biscuits. There's a lot you can do, even if you don't realise it yet.I'll write you a letter every day and give it to Grandpa Gary. I promise. And you have to write to me too, right?" Farlan asked and smiled at me, to which I nodded.

We sat together for a while and eventually I laid my head on Farlan's stomach and we talked about our future at Hogwarts in case my magic did awaken overnight.

The next morning I woke up and saw Eddie's head above me. He smiled at us, gently shaking Farlan awake.

"Come on, let's go and have breakfast. Mum and Dad have prepared a big breakfast while Papa is at work for a bit," Eddie said, holding out his hands to us.

"Dad, I don't want this." "I know, Farlan. But you have to," Eddie said, putting his hands on our shoulders.

We walked back to the house and saw my parents and Venia setting the table in the backyard just as Grandpa Yvain landed and greeted everyone.

"Marlee, would you like to come to the station with us then, or would we both rather stay at home and?" Mum asked me, taking my hand. She looked a bit sad when she looked at me.

"Mum, am I a disappointment to all of you?" I asked quietly, but apparently loud enough that everyone suddenly looked at me in shock.

"NO!" Mum said just as shocked and squeezed my hand, "Marlee, you are not allowed to even think that. We love you just the way you are. No matter whether you can do magic or not." "What if I work in a muggle profession? I don't have many other options." "That's what Uncle Kay and Aunt Elva also do, and they're very successful at it. And your dad doesn't do magic at work either. Magic isn't everything. Love, family and friendship are important. And we all love you," said Mum, smiling slightly.

"And we'd also be delighted if you took over the bakery one day. You're already an excellent junior baker," said Dad, grinning at me through his unusually long beard.

"And why do you all always look at me like that? So pityingly?" "Because we know you're suffering and nobody wants you to suffer, but we can't help you and that makes us sad. We want you to be happy." Mum's voice was very quiet and I could tell she was starting to cry, "We were so happy when we found out you were so special. That you really do have two dads. You made our happiness perfect and we are really thankful that we have you. That's why it hurts us so much that you're sad."

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