Story 24 - Truth

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This story begins between chapters 22 and 23 of the fanfiction and ends around chapter 48.

Sebastian's point of view (Year 6):

I continued to explore Salazar Slytherin's book. It was incredibly cryptic and complicatedly written, so I actually had quite a bit of trouble understanding it.

It frustrated me that I was treading water like this, but I finally had some hope. Garreth accepted my love for Caelie and so I could at last spend more time together with her.

I felt ashamed that I had used the Cruciatus curse on Caelie and that I was so happy about the book afterwards instead of caring about her. Garreth was absolutely right. I really had acted like shit, but I had trouble admitting it openly.

Caelie didn't seem angry with me, however, even though I saw some worry in her gaze when we met after the incident. She was probably a little afraid of me. But I could absolutely understand that too.

After spending another whole evening trying to understand the last pages of the book, I went to bed.

I lay awake for a while and had trouble to fall asleep.

The next morning I got up quite tired, and got dressed. A guy from a year below mine walked past me and called out something, but I didn't understand what.

When I entered the common room, Imelda and Nerida stood together and stared at me angrily. "Seriously Sebastian? You dumped us for that bitch?" asked Nerida. "What do you mean?", I asked, honestly irritated. Neither Caelie, nor I, or let alone Garreth had made anything of our situation public.

"You're fucking Caelie Lewis? Are you goddamn serious? You haven't fucked me or Imelda in all these years, but you immediately fuck that cunt?" "What?" "Don't play dumb, Sebastian!" said Imelda, really looking like she was about to explode, which in turn brought a grin to my face.

"We know you and fucking Garreth Weasley share that hoe. Don't even try to deny it. I wouldn't have thought you'd sunk so low. Instead of getting involved with respectable, pureblood girls, you'd rather play second fiddle to that slut's life," Nerida said, continuing to glare at me very angrily.

I had to start laughing out loud, which made them both even angrier. "Who told you that?", I asked when I had calmed down again.

"It's going around here everywhere. But we got it from a seventh grader," Imelda said. I looked around, and sure enough, a guy from the seventh grade was just chatting happily with Grace and a girl from the fifth grade.

I left the two of them standing there, and walked over to him. "Ah, there he is. The fallback. Good morning, Sebastian." he said, grinning stupidly at me. In a split second, I lashed out and punched him in the face with my fist before walking wordlessly towards the Great Hall.

I saw that Garreth and Caelie were already sitting at the Gryffindor table. Garreth looked miserable. Sure, they were probably now telling each other around that he couldn't give it to Caelie. That thought made me sad. As difficult as it had been with Garreth all these years, I had really realized in the last few weeks that he just wanted Caelie to be happy. And for that, he was even willing to tolerate me in Caelie's life. I could tell that it was really hard for him sometimes, but he didn't complain.

Ominis and I were talking about what was going on in the castle, trying to figure out how everything had been revealed when it was time to go to class.

I went into the divination room where Caelie was already sitting. Now everyone knows anyway, so I might just as well be completely normal with her, I thought to myself, sidling up to her and kissing her.

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