Story 17, Part 3/3 - Non-verbal

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Fayette and I enjoyed the last months together to the fullest. We didn't know what would happen after that. We only knew that one day she would come back to me, but when that day would be, neither of us knew. Maybe she would fall in love with another man in France and never come back to me. That was my biggest fear. I was not a special person. I wasn't particularly gifted at anything, and dragged myself from school year to school year. How I passed my O.W.L exams, I honestly didn't really know either.

There were certainly many men out there who could offer her much more than I could. Except love. No one would ever love her as much as I did. Of that I was absolutely sure.

The closer it got to the 15th of April, the more tense we both became. 

And then the day had come that we had tried to block out for so long. Fayette and I had slept on the sofa in the common room together, but when she came out of her room carrying her suitcase, she was crying bitterly.

I took her in my arms and cried too. I didn't want her to leave. I didn't want our time together to end.

Graduation was supposed to be the beginning of a new life together, but for us it was the end, at least for a while. We remained in our tearful embrace for a long time before carrying her suitcase away and going to breakfast. But we couldn't eat, so we just sat next to each other and kept crying.

Even the teachers gave us pitying looks, after all, everyone knew about our intimate relationship. Professor Mole informed us that departure was at 12 o'clock, so Fayette took my hand and led me outside once more.

We had three more hours together.

Fayette pulled me into a small hidden room in the dungeons where we were undisturbed. "Edvin, let's do it again one last time," she said softly and kissed me. She sat down on a table and motioned me to join her.

I nodded and tried to concentrate on her body. I stood close to her, and kissed her. I kissed her neck, her breasts, her stomach, until I was ready to do it with her.

I penetrated her and we kissed passionately as I moved gently inside her. She put her arms around my neck and kept pulling me towards her to kiss me. I ran my hands down her beautiful body. Most of the scars were gone, and even the deepest scars of burning, were barely visible.

"I love you so much, Fayette," I said softly. "I love you too, and I will never stop," she replied and kissed me again.

We took a while before we both came and cuddled up in my bed for the rest of the time.

Fifteen minutes before she had to leave, we joined the others. Again we both cried terribly.

"Beauxbatons, ici s'il vous plait." the French headmaster called out. Fayette and I looked at each other, and kissed with tear-streaked faces.

One last time, I looked into her beautiful eyes and said, "Mon cœur battra aussi longtemps que le vôtre battra. Je vous attends. Et puis nous serons heureux.", which means, "My heart will beat as long as yours beats. I'll wait for you. And then we'll be happy."

Fayette gave me one last smile, and said, "I love you, Edvin." before being pushed on by her headmaster.

Adaliz said goodbye and boarded with her friend Gawain as well. I saw Fayette looking out of the huge carriage for a split second before the headmaster got on and they flew off.

Fayette was gone. Dalvin came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "Sorry man." he said quietly. I nodded and went to my bed. Dalvin even brought me some food to my room, but I didn't want to eat.

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