Story 15 - Siblings

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Eddie's point of view (autumn of 3rd grade):

"Hey Seb, do you want to go out for ice cream later?", I asked my brother on Saturday morning while we were still lying in our beds reading.

"Sorry Ed, but I have a date with Mary later," he answered me without turning his head away from his book.

"Hmm, okay," I replied. A short while later I walked out of the room. Mary this, Mary that, I couldn't hear it anymore.

It's not like I envied his relationship, but it just pissed me off that he only had eyes for her and didn't pay attention to me at all. I didn't expect us to spend every moment together forever, but the last time we did anything was in the summer.

Even Papa stayed over at the castle more often recently and spent time with me, because he noticed how badly I felt without Sebbi. I did get along with some of the other students, but most of them just bored me.

But it was Saturday and papa was home. I decided to pay Koody a visit when a girl came towards me. A light blonde Slytherin girl from my grade. Venia.

"Hey Ed, what are you up to today? It's quite sunny, do you want to go for an ice cream in Hogsmeade?" she asked me, smiling at me.

I thought she was quite cute, and from time to time we spoke briefly, but we didn't see each other very often because she was in Slytherin.

"Sure, but I'm going to see the elves first. Do you want to come?", I said and smiled back.

"To the elves? You mean the house elves?" she asked me, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I have some elf friends." "But they're only house elves?" "So?" "Aren't they only good as servants?" "Okay, I think we should skip the ice cream thing, Venia. Sorry," I said and went on.

"ED! Please wait! I'm sorry, I just don't know anyone who's ever befriended house elves," she called after me. I stopped for a moment as Venia ran after me.

"I'm really sorry, but in my family it was drummed into me from a very young age that elves weren't worth anything. I didn't know there were wizards who saw it differently." "There are a few, actually, but my father in particular." "Really? I really didn't know that. I didn't mean to offend you or your friends either." "Well, do you want to join me?" "Do you want me to?" "If you're willing to put the elves on an equal level with you, you're welcome to join us. Otherwise, no." "I'll try."

"If you can't, you need not talk to me ever again." "You have strict principles, Edvin." "I know. My parents have always been very adamant that I stand by my principles. That's why I'm not willing to make compromises." "That wasn't a criticism. I like it when people stand up for what they believe in," she said softly, smiling at me, "But what's the best way to interact with the elves? I'm afraid I really don't have any experience with them." "The same way you deal with humans. Just be kind and attentive." "Okay. I can do this."

"It's cute how you're trying just to go out for ice cream with me," I said, grinning at her. Venia blushed a little as we walked together to the house elf kitchen.

"So, here we are. Just follow me. And like I said, house elves talk a bit weird, but basically, they're just naturally gentle mini-wizards," I said, smiling at her as we entered the kitchen.

"Hello Veeky, nice to see you!", I called out happily as my favourite elf walked towards us.

"Hello, Veeky is very happy to see Eddie. Veeky was very pleased to receive Eddie's letter! Veeky is very glad she has been practising reading with Eddie. Veeky's life is so much nicer now she can read letters!", Veeky said excitedly and beamed at me. "I'm very delighted to hear that, dear Veeky. And I want you to meet someone. This is Venia Malfoy, she's in my class."

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