Story 10 - The pureblood and the Veela girl

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This story takes place around the 85th chapter of the fanfiction.

Kay's point of view (15 years old):

We were finishing the rest of the preparations for Gary and Caelie's wedding when there was a knock at the door. I rushed to the door and there was a girl standing in front of it.

She was much shorter than me, had silver-blonde hair and bright golden eyes. She was beautiful. Never in my life had I seen such a gorgeous person.

"Hello, am I here at the Weasleys'?" she asked me. I nodded and let her into the house. I couldn't speak. She was absolutely breathtaking.

"Kay, this is Elva, a relative of Caelie's and a friend of us. Elva, this is Kay, my cousin," Gary said. I nicely nodded to Elva and sat down again.

We prepared little things all afternoon until Elva said goodbye again. I would have liked to go after her to find out more about her. I've had crushes or fancies on girls before, but this was somehow very different. And I wanted to know what was so special about her.

A few days later was the wedding, and there I saw her again. She was wearing a forest green dress, which only highlighted her gorgeousness.

When Gary and Caelie finished their dance, I jumped up and asked her if she would like to dance with me. She beamed at me, nodded and took my hand. Unlike Gary, I was quite a good dancer, which seemed to make Elva quite enthusiastic too.

After a few glasses of champagne in quite a short time, however, we hardly danced at all, just swayed to the beat of the music while she leaned against my chest. She fascinated me, and although I hardly knew her, it felt so familiar to "dance" with her so intimately.

After the party, she went back home with her mother. She gave me her address written on a napkin, but I couldn't wait. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to get to know her properly. So after a little glass of whiskey I apparated to Gwen and Yvain's house. I grabbed my broom, apparated to Hogsmeade and flew to Inverness.

I'd never been there, but I wanted to see Elva. I needed to see Elva. The evening with her was so beautiful, but we didn't talk much and I knew next to nothing about her.

I flew through the little town looking for the street she had noted. After a while I found it. I saw a small, bright house with a sign on the door with the name Fox and a small drawing of a red fox.

Should I knock? What if she and her mother were sleeping already? I saw that there was a light on the upper floor. I flew up and looked through the window for a moment. Elva was sitting on her bed writing something. She was still dressed in that wonderful green dress.

I took a deep breath and gently knocked on the window. Oh, Merlin's beard, what was I going to say now? Kay, why don't you think first, I thought to myself.

Elva flinched before going to the window. When she saw me, she beamed again.

"Kay, what are you doing here?" she asked, laughing at me a little sheepishly.

"Elva, I know it sounds weird because we hardly know each other, and I'm also sorry for knocking here so late, but.... but I have to know all about you. I've never been so interested in a lady before," I said. I was always straightforward in general, but now I was worried that this was a bit too much for her.

But she smiled, "Then come in." "'Sure? I really don't want to disturb you." "No, it's fine. I honestly think it's really cute of you."

I climbed inside through the window. Her room was very cutely decorated. There were lots of plush creatures and kitschy pillows all over the room and the walls were painted a light pink. 

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