Story 40, Part 1/3 - Squib

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Marlee's point of view (April 1924):

"Come on Marlee, let's go," Farlan said, pulling me towards him.

"Yeah, now take your Squib chimera and get out of here," Lucas said with a laugh as Farlan dragged me towards the bakery.

Lucas really was a nasty bugger. All the time when Farlan and I were in Hogsmeade, he made fun of me and insulted me. A lot of the kids made fun of me, but Lucas was the worst.

And it got worse and worse. Everyone gradually got their magical abilities, but not me. I was ten years old, and despite having such powerful parents, I didn't seem to have any magical abilities.

"Farlan, what is a chimera?" I asked quietly as we walked away and I started to cry. "I'm afraid I don't know. I'm sorry, Marlee. But one of the adults will know. We should ask Grandpa Seb." "That's right, I'm sure Dad knows," I continued to say quietly. Whatever the word meant, it wasn't a nice thing to say.

"Don't worry about it now. It doesn't matter whether you can do magic or not. You'll still always be my best friend. I just hope that you discover your magic so that we can go to Hogwarts together. If you don't come with me, I won't go." "Dad won't allow that." "He certainly won't be able to forbid me either. At least I won't go without you," said Farlan, grinning broadly at me, "If we can't sleep in a dormitory, then I at least want to spend the days there with you. Whether it's in the Gryffindor common room or outside. And don't you dare be in another house."

Farlan was a wonderful boy and truly my very best friend. We spent almost every single day and night together and I was really scared that he was at Hogwarts from the autumn and I wasn't.

We walked into the bakery and Dad gave me an irritated look.

"What's going on? Marlee, honey, have you been crying?" dad asked, coming out from behind the counter.

"Dad, what's a chimera?" I asked point blank. Dad's mouth opened and closed again as he narrowed his eyebrows a little.

"Why do you ask that?" "Because Lucas said that to me. But Farlan and I don't know what it is."

Dad went to the back and got Koody so he could continue selling. He then took off his apron and gave me and Farlan each an apple bag.

"Come on, let's go outside. The weather's nice today," Dad said with a smile and shoved us outside.

We sat down on a bench under a big tree as Dad puffed tensely.

"A chimera is a hybrid creature. For example, a cow with fish fins or a mouse with a sparrow's beak and penguin wings. But you're nothing like that. You're a wonderful young girl with two fathers and a mother. That's something really special, but absolutely nothing bad. And you're definitely not a chimera. Who is this guy who said that? Do you know where he lives?" Dad asked, looking first at me and then at Farlan, who immediately replied, "Yes, Lucas lives near here. His father is always at home and when we once asked him to speak to Lucas, he laughed at us and slammed the door."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Dad asked, giving us a slightly sad look.

"We didn't want to bother you with this kindergarten stuff, Grandpa Seb," said Farlan, looking ashamedly at the rest of the apple bag in his hand.

"Oh rubbish, kids. Talk to me. I may be old, but I'm still on fire when it comes to someone insulting my family. Take me to Lucas' house, please," Dad said, smiling again.We nodded, got up and walked east with Dad.

Arriving at the edge of Hogsmeade, we led Dad to the unkempt house, with an even more unkempt garden. Dad knocked on the door and waited while his foot tapped.

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