Story 21 - Secretiveness

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This story takes place chronologically around the same time as chapter 23 of the fanfiction.

Anne's point of view (Late Autumn 6th grade):

I sent two letters to Hogwarts. Solomon had announced he wouldn't be home for this weekend, and he asked me to call Sebastian home for the weekend so he could help me, but I had other plans.

I sent Sebastian off with an assignment, and invited Ominis to my place under a pretext.

In my research I had found that the eggshell of an Occamy egg might provide relief, but they were probably hard to get, and Ominis couldn't help him with that, so he might as well come to me.

Since I was home, we saw each other almost only during the holidays, and then all the time Sebastian was by our side. We used to at least be able to exchange a kiss or two within the undercroft, but now even that was hardly possible.

If we couldn't live out our love openly, I wanted to at least spend an evening as a normal couple.

Solomon helped me harvest some carrots and potatoes from the yard, and left me some money before he said goodbye. I prepared a stew and went to Mr. Ndiaye to buy a chicken for the soup.

I left everything simmering on the cooker for a while, when all of a sudden the pain started again. Despite carrying this miserable curse around for over two years now, I just couldn't get used to the pain.

When my attack of pain finally ended, I was lying on the floor. I slowly straightened up, and drank a little of a healing potion Sebastian had brewed for me over the summer. I took one of Sebastian's fifth grade textbooks and read. Even though I couldn't go to school anymore, I wanted to learn. I wanted to be a powerful witch, despite my disability.

Late that evening, someone knocked gently on the front door. Ominis.

"I'm glad you're here," I said softly as I hugged him.

He ran his hand through my hair and gave me a kiss on the forehead. Then he widened his eyes and said with his head flushed, "Hello Mr. Sallow."

I started laughing out loud, put my hands on his lean cheeks and kissed him, "Solomon's not here. That's why I wanted you to come here. I miss you, Ominis," I said softly. He smiled and ran his right hand down my face, "I miss you too, Anne. Every single day, every hour and every minute."

I gently shoved Ominis towards a chair. He sat down and I brought him a glass of water. "Anne, what have you cooked? It smells wonderful." he said softly. "It's just a simple stew. I hope you will like it." "I'm sure it will. So will everything you serve me."

I picked up a bowl of stew, and placed it in front of Ominis. I sat down on his lap and kissed him. "The stew is still hot. Not that you'll burn yourself.", I said and moved in for another kiss.

After a few minutes, I got up and let him eat. While he ate, I watched him. I had the feeling that every time we saw each other, he became more beautiful and more grown up. But even though his appearance changed, his character remained the same. He was already quite mature and quiet before, but he was still very shy and reserved.

In all the years we had known each other, he had not made a single attempt to do more than kiss me, despite the fact that I always clearly noticed that his body was ready for it. But I was also quite glad, though, that he didn't push me into anything.

When Ominis was done, he pushed the bowl aside, and gently patted his thighs, "Would you join me again?" he asked softly, but he also smiled a little.

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