Story 17, Part 1/3 - Non-verbal

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Edvin's point of view (7th grade):

The summer holidays were over again far too quickly and I flew back to Hogwarts. I lived in Inverness, so I was very lucky to be able to fly home quickly when I felt like it.

I sat down with my best friend Dalvin Llewellyn after I put my suitcase away and went into the Great Hall.

We sat together at the Gryffindor table and, after the first years were sorted, we watched Professor Mole, our headmistress, walk up to the lectern.

"Dear students, I welcome you back to Hogwarts. This year is a special year, and I am pleased to announce that our school will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year. So, please welcome our friends from Beauxbaton school in France and Castelobruxo school in Brazil."

Personally, I didn't care about the Triwizard Tournament at all. I didn't understand why these students seemed to have a death wish, after all, the three challenges were really dangerous.

There were a lot of students really coming in. "Castelobruxo students, please take your seats at the Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables. Beauxbaton students please take seats at the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables.

Your journey here was certainly exhausting, so sit down, eat and enjoy your time here at Hogwarts," Prof. Mole said and took her seat again.

A blonde student sat down next to me.

"Bonjour." she said softly. She was adorable. She looked at me as intrigued as I looked at her. "Hello.", I said shyly. She began to smile and the sparkle in her eyes became really intense. She had beautiful eyes. Her eyes were a colour I had never seen before. They were purple.

"So welcome to Hogwarts. What's yer name?", I asked her. She looked at me, startled. "Français. je ne peux pas parler anglais," she said, looking at me a little sadly. I didn't know French and from the way I interpreted her expression, she seemed sad that she couldn't speak English.

She pointed her index finger at herself. "Fayette. Je suis Fayette." "Bonjour, Fayette."

I pointed to myself, "Edvin." "Edviiin?" she assured herself. I smiled and nodded. It was so adorable the way she said my name. I felt myself getting all excited as we looked at each other.

After the ceremony, the foreign students were divided up to occupy the empty rooms in our common rooms. As I understood Prof. Mole, there were houses in Beauxbaton as well. Fayette and her friend, a girl apparently called Adaliz, were to stay with the Gryffindors.

Fayette and I smiled broadly at each other. I had broken up with my ex-girlfriend just at the beginning of the summer, but Fayette immediately made my heart race again.

We spent the evening in the Gryffindor common room. I showed her around the common room, my dorm room, and tried to use gestures to invite her to come to me if she needed help.

She looked at my plants and books that were all over my place. I felt a little ashamed of the mess, but Fayette seemed comfortable.

She sat down on my bed and leafed through my books. I sat down next to her and just watched her. Later, we went back to the common room, which of course was bustling, but we just sat next to each other and let the time pass. When she said goodbye in the evening, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and smiled before disappearing behind the corner.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, "You're into that girl, aren't you?" "Ay.", I said absolutely enthusiastically. "Well, she's pretty." "Yeah, but that's not it at aw. I don't really know either. It's more her nature. The way she curiously observes awthing and her movements, whit are so fluid and elegant." "Uhh, someone fell in love fast." "Oh shut up.", I said laughing and went to my dorm.

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