Story 9 - Devina

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Solomon's point of view (end of April 1879 [28 years old]):

Everything in my life, for the first time, was going well.

After losing the woman I had fancied all my school days to my brother, during my auror training, I finally found a woman who truly attracted me.

She was cute, gorgeous and intelligent. She spoke to me then at the ministry where she was being trained as a receptionist and I asked her out for coffee immediately. It took a little while before I could open up to her completely. My fear of her rejection was too big. I was never particularly exciting, or thrilling. I never achieved anything special, or did anything outstanding.

I was, all in all, a pretty boring guy, but Devina, my wonderful Devina, always said I was special for her anyway.

I don't know what it was that she found special about me, but it filled my heart with a love I had never experienced before.

I had learned some dark magic in my school days, but I didn't talk about it. I didn't want anyone to know that I, the Auror, was versed in such realms. But I wanted to be able to defend myself. Working as an Auror could be quite dangerous, so I wanted to be well prepared.

I had explained it to Devina, but she didn't reject me. She didn't even judge me for it. She understood me and was also glad that I could use it to defend myself in the worst case. I had never intended to use this dark magic. I was a thoroughly conscientious magician who wanted to do something good for the world. 

I had proposed to Devina last night after two years of relationship. I was absolutely not a romantic, but I think I had quite succeeded in this piece of romance.

I had bought us a small house in Feldcroft where we could live in the future. In this house I had put up candles everywhere and floated rose petals. I was quite proud of this idea, I had to admit. I never had much self-confidence, but Devina made me feel proud of myself.

I led her to the house and she was absolutely thrilled, jumping for joy around my neck as I proposed. We both cried with joy before kissing lovingly.

This little cottage would be our forever home. I was excited about the future for the first time in my life. My future, with Devina by my side. My Devina Krasteva would become my Mrs. Sallow.

Today we visited the house again. We wanted to make plans for the interior.

"Salo, this house is perfect," she said as we walked into the house. She called me Salo because when we met she didn't understand Solomon, but Salomon, and then she just kept it and I honestly thought it was kind of cute too. Never before, had anyone given me a pet name.

"No, Vina. You're perfect.", I replied and put an arm around her waist, "The house isn't big, but I think it's enough for us. And if we ever have kids, we can move, or build on. I'll leave that entirely up to you. After all, you are the mistress of the house, my lady," I said and kissed the back of her hand while bowing a little to her.

She laughed and pulled my head towards her, "You are very cute, my lord.", she said and continued to laugh as she danced around the empty house. She took my hand and began to dance with me. This woman made me so happy that I couldn't put it into words. She was my personal sun.

Not until the evening did we go back to her home. She had a small flat in Inverness and I unofficially moved in with her after we realized that we just didn't want to be without each other. I was still officially living with my parents. I just had no reason to move out of my home before Devina.

But now my life had finally taken a nice turn, and it was all finally starting to pay off. Devina gave me a purpose in life.

When we arrived at her house, we fell all over each other. We were crazy in love with each other. Even after two years, our desire for each other did not decrease.

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