Story 8, part 2 - Ellie's feelings

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"Come on, let's go back to the house," Jennie said quietly, taking my hand, "Oh, I'm sorry, then I'm sure that wasn't so pleasant for you, me walking around naked in front of you too. Please forgive me." "No, it's fine, it's wonderful. I think you're beautiful. The only problem really is that I can see you but I can't touch you." "Then just touch me." she said, opening the house.

"You want me to just touch you?", I asked, irritated. "Sure. Ellie, we've known each other for so long. Yeah, it might sound odd, and it probably is, but you know, to find out if I feel more for you than I realize, we should try things out. We should touch. Kiss. And just spend time like we're a couple.... Now that I say it, it sounds really weird. But I really mean it as I say it," Jennie said, blushing a little.

I didn't hesitate a second longer and pulled her to me. I looked into her eyes. They were still a little red from the sea water and crying. I stroked her cheek, and kissed her.

This time she returned it. Oh, Merlin's beard, this is the most precious moment of my life, I thought to myself. Even if she didn't want me as her partner at her side afterwards, at least I could spend the coming weeks with her without having to hold back.

But I was also a bit shy. I had never been intimate with anyone before. Was I about to do so now?

When I released the kiss, I looked deep into her eyes again before dropping onto the sofa.

"But aren't I too young for you?" "Oh nonsense. We're both adults. The five years don't make any difference, at least for me. Besides, I think we even look the same age," Jennie replied, laughing. She brushed her hair and looked at me.

"Why were you so scared of me going into your suitcase, anyway?" she asked me curiously. "You really don't miss things like that, do you?", I asked, slightly embarrassed. "Apparently." "Um... well. You know I like to draw." "And what were you drawing?" "You," I whispered.

"And why shouldn't I see that? I know how skilled you are at drawing." "Well, they were special drawings," I said, turning bright red.

Suddenly she giggled. "So now I'd like to see them." "I burnt them in my panic." "That's a shame, actually. I'd like to know how you see me." "I can do them again if you like."

She turned to me and beamed. "That would be wonderful. I packed you some pencils and paper." she said happily, "I was hoping you'd enjoy your time with me a bit after all, so I wanted you to draw some memories."

Jennie. She was so sweet. So thoughtful. So caring. So loving.

I got up and stood next to her. I turned her to me and kissed her. "I love you, Jennie. I've never loved anybody else so much."

"Tell me Ellie, are you only into women or are you into men too?" "Only women. But I've only really fallen in love with you."

She put her hands on my face and pulled me in for a kiss. "Oh Ellie... If only you'd told me sooner. Then you wouldn't have had to carry it alone for so long, and we could have explored all this much sooner." she said softly as she stroked my cheek.

Suddenly I felt tears welling up inside me. Tears of relief. Even if Jennie and I wouldn't become a couple, she didn't hate me or reject me. That reassured me so much. From the first second we spoke, we were friends. We even slept together in the bed the first night I slept at the Weasleys' house because we got along so well.

"I'm so sorry, Jennie. I was so afraid of you finding out. I was afraid of your refusal." "Oh Ellie, I would never reject you for your feelings. Never. I know very well myself that you can't help your feelings. But please promise me that you'll tell me everything from now on. Even if you're afraid. I will always be there for you.

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