Story 19 - Ghost

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Sebbi's point of view (end of the 4th school year):

"Hey Seb, we should go to the forbidden forest again. I read that there's a beautiful waterfall there!" said Eddie enthusiastically as we were walking to the Great Hall for lunch on Friday. "And if you're lucky, you might even see a unicorn!" interjected Venia.

"A unicorn?? Really?" asked Runa excitedly, starting to beam. She took my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Seb, please let's go there. Pleeeeeaaaaseee." she said, beaming even more.

"But if Dad or Aunt Matilda catch us we're fucked," I intervened, but Ed waved it off, "They're both out of the castle this weekend. It's Grandma Vivi's birthday. And they're all going to Paris for this weekend." "And what about Sammy?" "We'll take him with us." "I'm not sure we should take a second grader into the forbidden forest." "Oh come on, Sammy's stronger than us when he uses his magic," Eddie said, smiling at me in irritation.

But he was right. Sammy discovered Mum's magic before he even started school. He mastered it so well that even Mum, Grandma Fayette and Uncle Philippe were delighted.

Three pairs of eyes stared at me in expectation, waiting for my answer.

"Yeah, it's okay.", I said and felt Runa give me a kiss on the cheek. "Wow, I'd really love to see a real unicorn," she said, smiling gently.

"You can also just look at Seb's horn," Eddie said, grinning at us as he raised his eyebrows several times. Peals of laughter broke out in our group.

Runa and I had been a couple for a few months but we didn't think about such things. We were just 15 and still had a lot of time ahead of us, even though I don't think Ed and Venia were taking it that slowly. At least I've seen them both sweaty quite often, even though it was quite chilly, but no, neither Runa nor I were particularly eager to do it so soon.

We did, however, spend every spare minute together. The four of us were together the most. Venia and Eddie as well as Runa and me.

When we arrived in the Great Hall, we split up. Venia went to the Slytherins, Runa to the Ravenclaws and we to the Gryffindors.

Sammy wasn't there yet, but when he arrived, Eddie stopped him.

"Ed, what's up?" asked Sammy, while Eddie was still chomping at the bit. "Sammy, do you fancy an adventure before the holidays?" "I'm listening," he replied and sat down with us.

Eddie told him about the unicorns that were supposed to live in the forbidden forest. Sammy gave us his typical Sammy look, and said "I'm in. Are we including Tessy?" before biting into a large, grilled chicken drumstick.

"Sure, Tessy's trustworthy. Then we'll meet in the common room tomorrow, pick up the other two ladies and then we'll head out," I said, but Eddie raised his hand, "Right after breakfast. No adventure should start without a full breakfast," Eddie said and also took a chicken drumstick in his fist and bit into it.

We were heading to our last lesson of the day. Potions.

Dad was standing at a desk reading with a cup of tea as usual. Four of us entered the classroom in the dungeons. Dad looked at us, "Boys, come over here for a minute please." he said smiling at us. Ed and I looked at each other. Had we done something wrong?

"And you're sure you don't want to join us?" he asked, putting his book aside. "Yeah, we've really got a lot to learn as well," Eddie said, trying to look a little sad.

"Don't fool me. We all know you want to spend your weekend with your girls," he said softly, laughing a little, "But it's okay. I'm not forcing you. Just wanted to double check. Grandma would love to see you." "Yes papa, we'll come to Paris in the summer too. And the summer holidays are only a few weeks away. But we really do have to learn something." "What is it? Do you need help anywhere?" "No, we don't. But we still have to get the last few hours of History of Magic into our heads," Eddie said, annoyed.

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