Story 18 - Friendship

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Jennie's point of view (6th grade, 1896):

"Now Ellie, you have to get off soon and travel to the castle with the others. I'll see you after you're sorted into your house. Merlin's beard, don't disappoint me!", I said laughing.

Ellie started first grade today and I was really looking forward to spending more time with her. She really was my best friend. We had spent most of the summer together, and often went to visit Gary and the others, taking turns to sleep over at her place or mine.

Gary and Caelie got little Sammy a few months ago and we found it wonderful to spend time with him and the other two children.

But it was clear that Sebastian's absence still bothered Gary and Caelie. He had been in Azkaban for over three years now, but they were still suffering.

But it wasn't only them who missed Sebastian. I missed him too. The others had always joked that I was in love with him, but that wasn't true. I only admired him. He really was a great idol for me, with all the knowledge he had acquired through reading so much. Even today, I kept telling Ellie little things I had heard from Sebastian.

I got off the train, and saw Garreth. He grinned at me and called all the first years to him.

I went to the carriage and travelled into the castle, waiting for Ellie to finally be sorted in. And of course she came to Gryffindor. I jumped up and took her in my arms. I was looking forward to the time ahead of us. To our time together.

"Is that your little sister or something?", Neve asked me with a snide look. "No, she's my best friend," I replied, grinning happily at Ellie.

"Your best friend is eleven?" the girl asked again, starting to laugh out loud. "Yes, Neve. So what? If you have a problem with that, we're welcome to meet at the viaduct yard after the party and.... discuss it," I hissed quietly.

Ellie looked at me a little startled, but I grinned widely.

After dinner, we were sent to our common rooms. I walked beside Ellie the whole time, telling her little facts about the castle, with other first years listening intently to us as well.

Neve was now giggling happily with her equally dumb friends. I had a feeling they were laughing at me and Ellie and that thought really made me angry. I didn't want Ellie to have a rough start just because of me.

But she seemed very relaxed, and kept smiling at me as I continued to show her many things.

When we arrived in the common room, all the prefects joined Aunt Matilda.

"These are your prefects. Don't hesitate to ask them if you have any questions. They will be happy to help you." she said, smiling at us, "There are even more prefects here at Hogwarts. There are two per year group per house."

I looked to the other five prefects. A new, brunette prefect student took a wee step forward to introduce himself, "Hello, um, please forgive my shyness, it's my first day as a prefect. Well, I'm Albus Dumbledore and I've been in the fifth grade since today. And, of course, I'm always more than happy to help. You can usually find me in the transformation courtyard when I'm not here in the common room," he said a little quietly but smiled at the students.

I nodded, cleared my throat and took a step forward as well, "Hello, I'm Jennie Weasley, and in the 6th grade-", I began when I was interrupted by a boy next to Ellie, "Are you two related?" he asked curiously, pointing at me and Matilda.

"Yes, Professor Weasley is my aunt. And before any more questions arise, your Potions teacher, Professor Weasley is my big brother. That was the teacher who brought you to the castle. Anyway, I wanted to say that I'm in my sixth year and I'm looking forward to watching you all settle in," I said, taking another step backwards towards Albus as the others introduced themselves.

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