Story 6 - the Sorting Hat

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Sebbi's point of view (11 years old):

"Sebbi, you have to get up. Papa has already made breakfast, but he has to go to the castle soon. And we have to leave soon too," Dad said and woke me up.

"Good morning dad. Do I really have to take the Hogwarts Express? It's much more effective to go straight into the castle via the Floo powder fireplace, isn't it?" "Yes, you must. Papa says you should take the train at least once. I wish I'd had the experience too, but I didn't live far from Hogwarts, so come on, be happy for the chance," Dad said, grinning at me.

I went downstairs. I was still tired but totally excited at the same time. I still didn't know which house I wanted to go to. Yawning, I went downstairs where Dad and the others were already waiting for me.

I grabbed my plate, sat down and ate.

"Alright guys, I have to go now. You guys check your suitcases again, please. Just because I go home every day doesn't mean I'm going to drag everything after you just because you forget half of it," Papa said, looking at Eddie and me. He gave Mum and Dad a kiss and walked out of the house, calling, "See you later, boys!" after him.

"It's a shame summer's over already," Mum said, looking a little glum.

We had a brilliant summer. We went to Italy for three weeks and saw Rome and Venice and then moved into a lovely cottage in Trapani. Papa said that the house used to belong to one of his distant relatives, but it was used by all the relatives after she died.

It was great. We went to the beach every day and even though we got sunburnt all the time, it was really really awesome.

And Auntie Anne, Uncle Ominis, Tina, Senara and Venora also accompanied us. Uncle Ominis told us really interesting stories every evening when we were totally exhausted after being in the sea all day.

I hope that one day we would go there again for a holiday.

We went for another shower and Mum checked our suitcases. Eddie had tried to smuggle one of Papa's pop drinks but Mum took it back from him.

Dad apparated us all to London to a really huge train station.

We took trolleys for our suitcases.

It was half past ten. We left in half an hour. I was really terribly nervous and accidentally threw up my breakfast from excitement. Dad and I ran to a bakery so I could eat later when I was feeling a bit better.

We ran back to the others. We went through the wall and I saw the Hogwarts Express. "A really impressive train!", I said aloud.

Dad leaned towards me, "At least try to talk like boys your age actually do." he said, laughing softly.

"Right boys, you'd better get in or you won't get any more seats," Mum said.

Eddie and I looked at each other a little desperately. Now it was time to go.

I cuddled Fiona once more, tried to comfort sad Sammy, gave everyone a kiss on the cheek and boarded the train with Eddie.

We actually found an empty cabin, where we immediately sat down.

"Eddie, how are you?" "Fine. How are you?" "I'm terribly nervous." "But why? Papa's at the castle, isn't he?" "I still don't know which house I want to go to." "I think the old hat will be able to decide that properly. Don't worry about it," Eddie said, smiling at me.

The train ride was really taking ages. I found it annoying that Papa didn't just take us through the Floo powder fireplace.

There were two more Gryffindor students in our compartment who were considerably older than us, but they too preferred reading to talking.

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