Story 41, Part 2/2 - Self-sacrifice

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"Shortly after Caelie and Garreth, Ms Lewis and Mr Weasley joined me, both called by my sister and her best friend Ominis Gaunt, chaos broke out. Solomon took the relic from me, which released the Inferi out of my control. Solomon destroyed the relic. We started fighting and I killed him. It wasn't an act of hate, but of desperation, anger and terrible fear for my twin sister."

"Why didn't you turn yourself in immediately?" "Because I kept looking for a cure for Anne. Garreth was able to free my soul from all the darkness and so I stopped looking for a solution in dark magic." "Where did your change of mind come from now? As far as we know, Anne Sallow's condition is unchanged." "That is unfortunately correct, Your Honour. But my guilty conscience got the better of me."

"Please tell us what exactly you mean when you say that Mr Weasley has freed your soul from darkness," the bearded man from earlier asked.

"When I found the relic in a cave occupied by goblins, there was an ancient parchment scroll with it. Mr Weasley has already presented it as evidence. The Weasleys are descended from Godric Gryffindor, who held a power that removes dark magic. This power was reawakened by Garreth," I answered truthfully as Mr Filch burst out laughing.

"Of course. The little good-for-nothing certainly has a very special power that has been lost for a millennium. I'm sure he does," he said with a laugh as Yvain's head turned red with anger.

"You can laugh about it, or you can invite Garreth Weasley to testify, Mr Filch. I'm telling the truth and if you're not interested in the word of Mr Weasley's son and our mutual fiancée, you're welcome to call Elva Fox, who has also been healed with Garreth's ability. She was only able to use magic as a result. This information is also available at the Ministry," I said, quite relaxed, while Yvain's head slowly returned to a normal skin colour.

"Thank you very much, Mr Sallow. You can sit down again," said the magician with the beard, "We, the Ministry and the judge will now consult and examine the information provided. The trial will resume in an hour."

The courtroom emptied in no time at all.

"You did well, Sebastian. The chief warlock seemed very convinced by what you said." "Chief warlock?" "Yes, the gentleman with the beard, that is, Mr Alphonse Lupin, is the chief warlock of the Wizengamot. He can't make decisions alone, but his opinion has an influence on the other members that shouldn't be underestimated."

Yvain brought me something to eat and fed me. It was my first real meal since my imprisonment, while he told me about Caelie and Garreth.

They were getting married. It hurt a little that I wouldn't be there, and yet that was what I wanted. I didn't want time to stand still for them. I wanted them to enjoy their lives to the full. If they only thought of me from time to time in a nostalgic moment, that was enough for me.

After the break, everyone returned to the large hall. Not knowing what to expect scared the hell out of me, but I had to be strong now.

Mr Lupin, the chief warlock announced that he and the wizengamot would go through our list of possible witnesses, and interrogations would take place, and then it was time to say goodbye."Please give them both my loving regards. I love them," I said as the guards separated me from Yvain and took me back to Azkaban.

In the meantime, it became known that I was an Animagus, and so I was moved to a security cell so I couldn't escape.

I only kept the Dementors and the accompanying mental deterioration at bay through my bad wandless magic and sheer willpower, but I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid the madness forever. Nevertheless, I wanted to fight it for as long as possible.

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