Chapter 1: I Forgot That You Existed

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I forgot that you existed

It isn't love, it isn't hate 

It's just indifference


April 16, 2001 (7 AM)

Ever since she was four Indie knew she wanted to be a healer. The realization came to her when she was outside with her older siblings, Blue and Navy. She was watching them climb up the tree in her backyard with Blue climbing a lot faster than his seven year old sister. Blue was 12 at the time and thought he was invincible so he was more then surprised when one of the branches broke right after he grabbed it, causing him to tumble down. Navy was frozen as she looked down at her brother, still firmly placed on the lowest branch as Blue began to cry and clutch his arm.

"I'm going to get mama," Indie squeaked and scrambled up from the grass.

"Don't you dare Indigo!" Blue scowls.

"But you're hurt!"

"I don't want to get in trouble," He mumbles and wipes away his tears before looking up to Navy, "Navy get down. We're done for the day."

Without a word of protest Navy quickly jumps down and lands gracefully on her feet and walks over to her two siblings. She looks at her brother's misshapen arm and makes a face, "Ew! Blue your arm is messed up! I think you should tell mum."

"No," He huffs before standing up, still clutching his arm. "One of you grab my wand out of my pocket."

Indie's hand was already reaching into her brother's back pocket when Navy's hand shoots out to stop her, "Indie no!"

"But Blue?"

"You know you can't use magic outside of school," Navy scolds and crosses her arms.

"I know but I know a spell that may work and if one of you cast it it'll just look like accidental magic."

"What spell?" Navy pesters.

"Episkey," Blue states matter of factually.

"That won't work," Navy scoffs.

"It might!"

"Well I'm not going to do it!"

"Fine! Indie you'll do it won't you?"

Indie's eyes go wide as she looks between her siblings before slowly nodding and grabbing the wand. Navy frowns before saying, "If this doesn't work I'm telling mum."

"It'll be fine," Blue says and nods toward Indie. "Go on!"

The wand feels so large in Indie's hand as she tries to remember the motion her mother makes when she says it. She takes a deep breath before copying the movement and says, "Episkey."

Her brother grunts but then drops his arm and smiles, "It worked, my arm feels fine! I knew it was probably just a small fracture or something."

"You go to Hogwarts and you think you know everything," Navy huffs and rolls her eyes.

"Come on, let's go. It's almost lunch," Blue says, taking his wand back.

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