Chapter 14: When [Ginny] Falls In Love

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Ginny met a boy with eyes like a man
Turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand
Now he'll be her shelter when it rains
Little does he know, his whole world's about to change


October 20, 2023

If anyone knew how to throw a wedding it was the Weasley's, and in true Weasley fashion it was in their backyard. Indie had gotten up at six to apparate herself and Cyan over to the Burrow to get ready. Cyan was able to get more sleep on the couch while Indie showered and hung up in Ginny's room as they all waited to get their hair and makeup done.

Ginny wanted to keep the bridal party small, but it was hard to do being a Weasley, so "small" ended up being six bridesmaids. Luna Lovegood was the maid of honor, with Hermione Granger, Angie, Ruth, Tori, and Indie rounding out the rest of it. Fleur not being a bridesmaid took Indie by surprise slightly, and Ginny had fought not to include her, not out of malice but trying to maintain the "smallness". Instead Fleur as well as Bill were going to be doing the readings for the ceremony.

So far Angie, Ruth and Tori had gotten their hair down and were waiting for their makeup while Luna, Indie and Hermione had their makeup done, waiting for hair. Ginny was the only one having both done, and was now on a tangent.

"I swear if she says one thing about the way I look I'm going to jinx her into oblivion," she hisses as she paces.

"Who is she talking about?" Tori asks and Indie notices her friend looks a little more frail than usual.

"Aunt Muriel," Angie scoffs, "She's a fucking menace. If she says something to you, I will spill wine on her."

"Please," Ginny cackles and pours herself another mimosa.

"Where's your mum?" Luna asks.

"Trying to wrangle Tori, Teddy, and Cyan in their outfits probably," Indie laughs.

"If anyone can do it it's your mum," Hermione giggles, a blush gracing her face from the two mimosas she's had.


To say Draco was nervous was an understatement. He had changed his tie three times before settling on a sage green one that Indie had picked out the day before, claiming it would match her dress. Draco was so nervous that he had gotten up at five and was unable to go back to bed. He had heard Indie's voice pull Cyan out the door and apparate away to get ready.

The wedding itself was at two and he had debated whether to fake a work emergency and then just show up for the reception rather than suffer through the ceremony sitting alone. But he knew Indie would kill him if he didn't show and his reputation amongst her friends would be ruined.

Draco's leather shoes squeaked as he crossed the room, putting Rook's foot down and pats the dog before he goes. He adjusts his suit once more in the mirror before walking out and apperating away. Draco had never been to the burrow but the way his father had spoken about it he had half imaged it to look like scaffolding of a sunken shift. He knew now that that was not a fair representation of the Weasley Household but he was still taken aback standing in front of it.

Despite the cool autumn breeze his palms were sweaty and the back of his neck felt warm, causing his collar to itch. The Burrow was a homy and welcoming abode, akin to his mother's new cottage. Maybe the fact he saw his mother in her new home first made him less apprehensive about making his way to the backyard where Percy Weasley and a blonde, who he believed to be Alicia Spinnet were ushering people to their seats.

Draco inhaled sharply before adjusting his jacket once more, snagging a program from the table while the two ushers were occupied and slipped into the last row of seats at the opposite end of the aisle. Eventually the seats began to be filled by the majority of redheads and many Gryffindor alumni; he even spotted the now professional quidditch player Oliver Wood.

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