Chapter 39: Safe and Sound

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Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound


July 17, 2003

"Welcome home," Indie whispers as she walks Scoprious into the house, Draco following behind with the bags.

"Aunt Indie, Uncle Draco, Scorp!" Cyan exclaims as he runs to greet them with Narcissa following behind him.

"Hey buddy," Draco says, setting the bags down and giving him a hug. He then stands up and hugs his mother, "Thanks for watching him."

"Oh course," Narcissa smiles, "I can't wait to spend more time with both of my grandsons."

Indie's heart warms as she gives her mother in law a grateful smile, "Cissy would you mind sticking around a little longer. I was going to go shower and I don't know if Draco is ready for both of them alone."

"Of course dear," Narcissa smiles as Indie hands her the baby, "You take care of yourself. I will help Draco make something for dinner."

Indie says thank you once more before she heads up to her room to take a shower. Her whole body hurts and the warm water of the shower is just what she needs. Eventually she exits and gets herself ready to go downstairs and eat.


Narcissa had left about two hours ago, staying to help clean up dinner despite Indie saying they could do it themselves. After dinner it was time for Indie to go feed Scorpius while Draco helped get Cyan ready for bed.

Scorpius had finished feeding a few minutes ago but Indie could feel her eyes already getting heavy as she cuddled him close to her chest. She thinks her eyes have been closed for only a few minutes when she's woken up by a cry but when she opens her eyes the room is dark and Scorpius isn't on her chest. In a panic she gets up and starts scouring the house until eventually she finds Draco in the nursery changing Scorpious' diaper.

"Sweet Salazar," She huffs, placing a hand over her chest.

"Oh purple I didn't want to wake you, that's why I came in here," Draco says, turning to look at her.

"I heard him cry and then I couldn't find him so I was worried," Indie sniffles as she walks over to stand next to Draco and holds her son's hand.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Draco says, "You just looked so peaceful and I wanted you to get some sleep. When I came in to check on you Scorpius was away so I just took him so you would be able to sleep more."

"You're sweet," Indie smiles and kisses his cheek.


"Aunt Indie?" Cyan calls through the hall.

"In here buddy," Indie calls from the nursery.

The night had been an adjustment, waking up every few hours to feed and change Scorpius. And everytime he cried both Draco and Indie would get up. Indie had been rocking Scorpius for the last hour and nodding off for a couple minutes here and there but she was terrified he would stop breathing so she tried her best to watch the rise and fall of his chest.

Eventually Cyan walks in and stands next to the rocking chair and asks, "Did you adopt me?"

"Where did you hear that?" Indie asks, feeling a little less sleepy.

"Well Teddy said Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry adopted him because his parents died. And mine died and I live with you."

"Well... yes Cy. I did adopt you when your parents passed away," Indie admits.

Cyan is quiet as he reaches his hand out for Scorpius to grab and he smiles as the baby coos at him. He looks up at Indie and adds, "Did Draco adopt me?"

"No buddy. He didn't know you then. I am the only one who did."

"Well can he?" Cyan asks.

Indie is speechless as her sleep deprived brain tries to process a response before eventually managing, "Well that's really up to him. You can ask him once he comes home with breakfast."

"Okay," Cyan smiles.

"You know how about we go downstairs and wait for him," Indie says as she stands up.


"Can I ask him?" Cyan whispers as soon as he finishes his breakfast.

"After I come back from putting Scrop in his crib," Indie says as she stands up to place him in the bassent they placed in the corner.

As of right now Rook had been staying with Narcissa because they weren't sure how he would react to the new baby at first and wanted to acclimate him slowly. Draco and Cyan were going over later to bring the baby blanket they brought Scorp home in so Rook could get used to the scent.

Once Indie is sure the baby is sleeping safely she makes her way back over to the kitchen where Draco is cleaning up and Cyan is sitting patiently in his chair. Cyan looks at her with a big smile and Indie nods to give him the go ahead.

"Hey Draco," Cyan says. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure buddy what's going on?" Draco asks not turning away from the sink.

"Can you adopt me?" Cyan asks and some silverware slips through his hand and clattering in the sink.

Draco turns around and gives Indie a curious look before looking at Cyan and crouching down so that they're eye level. "You want me to adopt you?"

"Yeah, Aunt Indie adopted me and Teddy got adopted by Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry. I want two parents too!" Cyan states and Draco looks over at Indie who nods.

Draco looks like he's on the verge of tears as he pulls Cyan into a hug, "I would love to adopt you."

"Yeah!" Cyan exclaims and hugs Draco back.

"You guys are making me cry," Indie sniffles with a smile and Draco and Cyan move over so that they envelope her into a hug as well.

Sorry it's short. It's a fluff chapter and I wasn't sure how else to write the adoption. I hope you enjoy we only have one chapter left!

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