Chapter 29: Mastermind

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No one wanted to play with me as a little kid

So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since

To make them love me and make it seem effortless

This is the first time I've felt the need to confess

And I swear

I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care


May 22, 2002

"So I only work an eight today," Indie states as she gathers her things for work, "And Blue should be arriving at 11 today. I told him to apparate here so if you're at work and you hear something it's probably him. And you said you could take Cyan to Molly's at 8 right?"

"Yes," Draco chuckles and kisses Indie's cheek while handing her her lunch bag, "Everything is under control."

"I love you" Indie smiles.

"I love you too," Draco responds as Indie leaves and apperates to work.


"Why am I not going to Mimi's?" Cyan asks with his hand in Draco's as they leave a muggle diner, where they ate breakfast.

"Because I have something very important to ask you, and your mum, and I guess your dad too." Draco explains.

"We're going to visit mama and dad?" Cyan states and jumps, "Can I get flowers?"

"Of course," Draco smiles.

Once they get a bouquet of flowers Draco apperates himself and Cyan to the cemetery. Draco pauses as he realizes that he doesn't exactly know where Navy and Fred are buried. Cyan seems to notice Draco's hesitation and looks up at Draco before pulling on his pant leg, "Follow me."

Draco allows Cyan to guide him to the two headstones a few yards away and Cyan takes the flowers from Draco, putting half on Navy's and half on Fred's. Cyan looks up at Draco who is still unmoving and says, "Aunt Indie usually sits on the ground to talk to them."

"Does she?" Draco asks and slowly sits on the dewy grass.

"Yep," Cyan smiles and sits on Draco's lap, "And she talks to them."

"How does she start?" Draco asks.

Cyan shrugs, "Hi."

Draco chuckles and takes a deep breath, "Hi, Navy and Fred. I know we haven't formally met, at least not in the dating your sister capacity. I promise I have changed for the better since school. I am no longer the spoiled and rude rich kid anymore. I really do love and cherish Indie and Cyan as well. She has done an amazing job raising him. Which is why I think it's important for me to have this conversation with the three of you. I've been wanting to propose to Indie and I have come to ask for your permission. You three mean a lot to Indie and I want you, Navy and Fred, to know I will do my best to help Indie raise Cyan and give him a good life. And Blue is coming to visit so I will ask him as well but I figured you two were slightly more important."

"I promise he's really nice," Cyan pipes up, "He plays with me all the time and he makes Aunt Indie laugh. And I love his dog. I also miss you mama and dada."

"I'm sure they miss you too," Draco says, hugging Cyan.

"Look!" Cyan exclaims, "Two cardinals. Aunt Indie says every time you see a cardinal it's a person who went to heaven. Maybe it's mama and dada!"

"I've never heard of that before," Draco smiles, "I think they approve of me marrying you aunt."

"I think so too," Cyan grins.


"Hey Draco!" A deep voice bellows throughout the Manor.

"Uncle B!" Cyan exclaims and takes off towards the front door.

Draco chuckles and walks after him to greet Blue.

"Hey Cyan," Blue smiles, dropping his bags and hugs his nephew.

"Long time no see man," Draco grins and shakes Blue's hand.

"This place is nice," Blue marvels as he looks around.

"I'd be happy to give you a tour. I need to discuss something with you anyway." Draco states.

Blue nods and Cyan asks, "Can I have a snack?"

"Yeah, you can grab one from your cupboard," Draco smiles as Cyan darts off.

"So what do you want to discuss?" Blue asks as the two of them start the tour.

"I want to marry your sister," Draco says rather rushed, "And I already went to the cemetery and asked Navy and Fred for their permission because it affects Cyan too. Two cardinals showed up so I took it as a good sign."

Blue doesn't say anything at first but eventually smiles and says, "Of course. That's so exciting man! Do you have a ring?"

"No not yet," Draco chuckles and shakes his head, "I wanted to get the permissions out of the way first."

"Godric I can't wait until you propose!" Blue grins, "Indie's gonna freak, in a good way."


"How was work, Draco?" Indie asks as she cuts her chicken breast.

"Good," He smiles with a mouthful of food.

"How was Mimi's Cy?" Indie asks.

"Good," Cyan squeaks.

"And how was your trip Blue?" She adds before taking a bite.

"It was good. I sat next to a newly engaged couple so sweet," Blue grins.

"Aw how sweet," Indie smiles.

"And how was work," Blue adds, "Was it engaging?"

"I guess you could say that," Indie chuckles while Draco side-eyes Blue. "Anything you want to do here Blue before you go back?"

"I would love to go see the AFC Richmond pitch," Blue responds, "I hear they may be a ring-her for the cup this season?"

"Blaise did say they were looking good," Indie agrees and dabs her mouth with her napkin.

"Well hopefully they do well, it's a shame to over hype," Draco states and stares Blue down. 

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