Chapter 25: False God

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They all warned us about times like this

They say the road gets hard and you get lost when you're led by blind faith

Blind faith

But we might just get away with it

Religion's in your lips

Even if it's a false god

We'd still worship

We might just get away with it

The altar is my hips

Even if it's a false god

We'd still worship this love


March 30, 2002

"Draco where are you taking me?" Indie asks as Draco's hands remain over her eyes as he guides her to their date destination.

He had knocked on her door and escorted her outside the apartment building before covering her eyes and apperating her away. She had tried to peek but it was no use and it was like Draco's fingers were made of steel.

"Watch your step," Draco says just as Indie stumbles over it.

"Jeez Draco," Indie scolds as somehow he steadies her whilst still blocking her vision, "More heads up next time."

"I'm sorry. We're almost there though," Draco promises as they walk a little farther and stop.

"Can I look now?" Indie asks.

"Yes," Draco says and she can practically hear his grin.

Finally, he removes his hands and Indie furrows her brow as she tries to figure out where they are. She's standing in front of a gorgeous manor with several bright colored flowers decorating the front lawn.

"Dragon, where did you take me?" She asks, "The place you're gonna murder me?"

"No," Draco chuckles and rolls his eyes, "This is the manor."

"As in Malfoy Manor?" Indie asks in disbelief.

"Yep," He grins proudly, "It's finally all finished. The inside looks completely new and the medical wing looks great. I tore out all the old landscaping and planted some more lively plants and flowers through the help of my mum and aunt."

"It's beautiful," She marvels, "I can't wait to see the inside, although I don't know what it looked like originally."

"Even better." Draco grins and takes her hand guiding her inside.

They walk through the foyer first and she has to stop herself from laughing as she has never lived in a place big enough with a foyer. It has a large fireplace, with a bookshelf between two recliners. The walls are painted a comforting sage collar, completing the oak floors and a gray shag rug. Then they move past the kitchen, where Draco promised to revisit so he can cook them dinner after the tour. They head up stairs and Draco stops in one of the bed rooms.

"I figured this could be Cyan's room. I didn't want to decorate it too much without him, so I figured I could have a day with just me and him and we could pick out paint colors and such."

"He could love that," Indie smiles, "He misses having you around."

"And I am really sorry about it," Draco apologizes. "I will work my ass off trying to make it up to you."

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